Okay, so this is a question meant mostly for PlayStation fans, although others are free to go ahead and answer it as well. But for those who identify themselves as PlayStation fans first and foremost (this does not mean you don't like Xbox, PC, or Nintendo- you can, but your platform of first preference is PlayStation, that's all), what modern Nintendo device is your favorite?
What do I mean by modern Nintendo device? Well, I simply mean post GCN era. So, out of the Wii, DS, Wii U, and 3DS, which Nintendo system do you prefer the most? And why?
My guess is below, spoilered:
I would say it comes down to being between DS and 3DS- both systems have vast and varied libraries that either supplement or complement the PlayStation libraries very well. Although I have a feeling that the majority answer will be DS, logic dictates it should be 3DS, simply because it is closest to PlayStation platforms in 'spirit'- its library has a lot of overlap with the average PlayStation library (Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, Persona, Shin Megami Tensei, Tales of, Tekken, Street Fighter, BlazBlue, Dead or Alive, Metal Gear Solid, and then games like Bravely Default and Etrian Odyssey, which feel typical of games one would find on a PlayStation system), and it feels a lot like a PlayStation system in its approach (which, again, makes sense, given that Nintendo literally designed it as a response to the PSP and its success). So I would think that the answer will be 3DS, but I have a feeling that it will be DS.
Whatever it is, which one would you go for? And why?
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