-Ratchet and clank over 10 games since the PS2 days..If they keep cranking up like this,Most likely ratchet and clank will be multiplat just like crash and spyro did 5 yrs ago..
-Killzone already 3 games in less than 8 yrs more than Gears of war..And gears is more popular..
-Resistance..Same as the killzone games in less than 5 yrs..milk that milk the cow sony
-Syphon filter over 4 games in the series since 1999 or 2000 and there not even that good
-God of war series- over 3 games in less than 10 yrs,Generic hack n slash with medicore gameplay give it a rest sony
-Gran tursimo-PSP version coming in this fall..milk milking it...The series has been downhill since 01'
See what im going with this ppl? PPl like you guys like to point the finger and call out MS for milking there franchise..In reality sony is the one milking there dumb franchise ugh!....
But at the core all those games have stuck to a story or even a certain genre.The only one there that has been going at it for so long is Gran Tursimo but that's just like Madden, Forza, or any other sport/racing game, it can be improved and then released again. Rachet and Clank has always been a third person shooter/adventure game, Killzone has always been a shooter, the only reason it was a third person game on the PSP might have been because not many shooters with much depth has been made for handhelds.
Syphon Filter? They still make those games? It hasn't been out for a short period of time, there has been 7 since the first in 1999 and they it has been milked look at games like Mario or Final Fantasy. God of War? Seriously? Two games on the PS2, one on the PSP and the third and final (of at least the current story) for the franchise. Not to mention that it has had an on going story through at the series, something actually even Hollywood worthy.
Milking games isn't bad, only unless the game has become boring and unoriginal. This is when the developers take it up a step by re-introducing it in another genre, which is when you know they are desperate to get money out of it. As long as we don't see several version of Halo Wars come out, several other Mario games come out, and as long as Final Fantasy doesn't become a racing game then i say keep em coming, if they can keep it original that is.
"PPl like you guys like to point the finger and call out MS for milking there franchise..In reality sony is the one milking there dumb franchise ugh!..." If you don't like the way fanboys work then quit complaining and stay away from Gamespot all together. You act biased your self, lowering yourself to the position of others, acting like them - doesn't help you prove your point because "in reality" Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo all milk there "dumb franchise".
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