I was browsing NeoGAF when I came onto a discussion about how Sony has been really ineffective at marketing the PS Vita, and I suddenly realized, this ting launches in eleven days.
Eleven. Days. And no one even knows that it exists.
There are no ads for this thing. Anywhere. On TV, there has been no advertisment campaign for the system (the only thing I have seen for it so far is the Taco Bell promotion... yeah, that's gonna sell me on it Sony).
There is no coverage from mainstream media. EVen the gaming media is largely silent about it. The only news and information we get about the Vita is by dedicated gaming forums, like this one, and the weekly Japan sales, which frankly are killingthe buzz.
None of my friends, the targetted western mainstream demographic for the system, the kind who will allegedly buy Call of Duty and Uncharted on it, even know it exists. How does Sony expect them to buy it again? Especially in the face of an agressive Nintendo, which is closing in on the dedicated hardcore handheld market with price drops, bundles, deals and alluring games (as well as dual analog support now)? And in the face of smartphones and tablets, especially Apple's iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch, which have never been stronger, and of which at least the iPad is due to get an upgrade next month?
Sony, you've screwed it up. You honestly expect the western launch for this thing to be good? At a $249 price point? WIth games priced that high? With accessories priced that high? When no one even knows it exists?
Yeah, good luck.
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