@SolidGame_basic: if Sony doesn't adapt, their current successes may become "accumulating failures". The DC was great hardware and great games too...
MS is curb stomping them in services
MS is pulling out the rug from under them on major "third party" IPs with things like Bethesda and Activision (it is what it is - these are seriously big acquisitions)
MS has the more powerful hardware
MS has more features in its hardware
MS also has a more diverse hardware portfolio which has allowed them to sell (the S) despite the supply constraints affecting the X and PS5 to a greater degree
MS also has found a way to undercut them on cost for both games and hardware (for the time being)
Lastly but most importantly: MS is years ahead of Sony in embracing and integrating with PC - expanding their customer base dramatically.
Just step back for a moment - this is a serious list of "accumulating failures" PS is looking at. It really is. PS has an iron core of top tier IP and studios behind them, but again, DC had great exclusive games too and a dedicated fanbase.
Sony has to be reeling a bit here. The just have to. I hope they adapt
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