[QUOTE="Javy03"][QUOTE="Walker34"] Microsoft beat them to the punch. People don't understand that ms doesnt care if they are 2nd or 3rd. They have the money to waste. This hurts sony so much more. Sony is banking on mgs and it is not nearly enough. By the time the ps3 has a decent library the new xbox will be out. Sony will be left like hillary clinton milking as much out of the ps3 as they can. They can't afford to scrap it like microsoft did tot he original xbox and beat microsoft to the punch again.
I'm not condoning microsoft either. I don't like them. But this is what they do. They are bullies in the business market. I'm not saying the sony brand is going away either and the ps3 is a bad system but this is the last gen where its going to be a close race imo. As time goes sony is going to be late to teh party and lose more and more developers and the gap is just going to get greater. Microsoft has signed on several more developers. RE5 has a timed exclusive now because microsoft is what they are. Gradually people in japan are slowly going to have to make the move and the ps3 is going to lose more and more of a market share. The wii is the worst thing that could have happened to sony.
I think sony's hope is that they find their nitch as a high end system and keep people coming back but where are the games? Sony may become the mac to microsofts pc but it's still going to be microsoft. I'm also not saying the ps3 wont be a good system and won't find their nitch, but they are losing more and more games. Microsoft did the same thing to apple. It's bill gates business plan of world domination and it's unfair because they have the biggest wallet and can do whatever they want.
The problem is the buisness doesnt work that way. For one, releasing first has never helped any console win a console war, in fact its the opposite. People forget that gaming devs and console makers make the MOST money at the end of the consoles life while they lose the most money during the first few years of a consoles life. Basically if MS continues to ditch the previous gen. early and release a new console a head of the game they will be hurting thier profits. They will cut short the prime time to reap the rewards of their labor and jump quickly into another situation where they are selling their console at a loss. Not to mention the fact that devs are complaining about how expensive this gen. is for making games so MS releasing a new more expensive console will disway devs from making games for it. It will also lose alot of its fanbase.
Sony is fine. They gave up some of their gaming pie for a stranglehold on the next format which will bring them even more money. Not to mention they still have a fanbase worldwide as opposed to MS so MS doesnt stand a chance at stomping out Sony until they can get other gamers aside from NA to support it. The only console that is beating the PS3 bad is Nintendo but then again their strategy of releasing a very different very cheap console has gone well for gamers because its sealed its place as a fantastic secondary console but 3rd party devs still have little plans to invest heavily on that party.
The PS3 price hurt its growth and as it continues to drop and great games come out for it like whats planned for 08 and 09 the PS3 sales will spike up leaving the 360 third.
one good game is not going to turn the tables. ps3 has more good games coming but nearly as many as 360 has on the way.
It has more then one good game and its variety and worldwide appeal is its strong point. What amazing 360 game is coming to purpell it foward, GEOW 2, or Fable 2? GEOW 1 amassed its fanbase, GEOW 2 isnt gonna bring anyone new to the 360 and Fable was far from a power player for MS.
During the 360s best year in 07 with the Halo release the PS3 outsold it. Thats when most of the year it was 600 dollars, had alot fewer solid games and was only out in Europe for a short period. Now its outselling the 360 everywhere. The tables have been turned since launch, the bigger picture is just becoming more visible.
PS. And didnt you lose a bet about MGS4 where if it got a 10 you wouldnt post on SW? I saw it on someones sig.
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