Click on the 20 GB model and click 'add to cart' and check out the message.
This is what comes up:
Sony has been DENYING the **** out of this rumor, saying it is up to retailers to make the descision to not carry th model. Yet you can't order the model DIRECTLY from Sony???
Why is this being done? First, Sony looses a good deal mroe on the 20 GB model than the 60 GB. Second, a game like Oblivion requires around 5 GB of install space on the PS3 hard drive. That is due to the slow loadtime of the Blueray, what happens when Saints Row comes out on the PS3? Another 5 GB???
This is the same bait and switch tactic Sony is pulling with gimping backwards compatability. Lip service, lies and BS.
Sony are a gaggle of LIARS, they can deny all they want but even their own online store says otherwise.
And btw, NPD data from JANUARY had 98% of PS3 sales as the 60 GB model. They arent shipping it anymore.
The price of entry is officially $600 in the US and much much higher elsewhere. Cows = OWNED.
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