i respect sony but even day one its mistake after mistake
heres their first mistake
back in 1995 ps launched with only 2 controller ports n64 came with 4 so did dc , ,
in 2000 - when four controller ports were standard they again choose the cheap way-2 also they lost exclusive after exclusive,
2004 e3 nintendo announces ds , sony followed suit so nintendo beat them to the bloody pult , and today they make their mistake
psp go - no ones buying them it cost more for sony to put them on download then it does to put them on umd, Digital copies cost MORE than physical copies? News to me! :|
further more, the ps3 launched at 600 , with all pllayability people wanted a price drop those came at sacrafices that shouldnt be
for example ps2 bc, they claim it cost more but here they are still selling ps2s, they could have just discontinued them in place I have a feeling they didn't see that as being "business savvy."
and they lose more exclusives- mgs final- fantasy , believe me they had this day coming to them , , MGS was never an exclusive. MGS4 was and they never lost it. Final Fantasy, yes, but at the moment Versus XIII is still exclusive.
for every sony fan who says they brought 3d etc etc , ,
news flash they did no such thing , nintendo launched virtual boy which is the very first 3d ala ps3 3d every 1 is hyping , device
then they launched 3d graphics -snes super fx chip
back in 94 -super fx chip-snes 91
motion sensing -85 nes becomes standard 2006-wii
so ya tell me again and back on to gt 5 , yes their scared they know they lost
360 has not only 1 but they have the following exclusive racing games Neither does PS3. It has Motorstorm, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, WipeOut HD, Gran Turismo 5: Prologue, and the upcoming Gran Turismo 5.
pgr 3
forza 2
pgr 4
race pro and forza 3 . .
pgr 5 -in development ,
so ya
and blu ray has not won, it may have tooken out hd -dvd but it fails to take out dvds, Precisely. Just like how DVD didn't eventually overtake VHS. Oh wait...
theres more movies released on dvd then bluray and there is proof if you look in walmart, You shop at Wal-Mart. This explains a lot.
dvds have 4 big sections -1 five dollar bin a 13 dollar/9 bin ,, the main new release shelfs and tv show shelves bluray only has 10 at a time for the most part spots on a shelf , , The Blu-Ray section at Best Buy respectfully disagrees.
they wouldnt fill a whole isle ,lol ,
and they cost 5 more then dvds , sometimes 10 -20 more Many Blu-Rays can now be found at $10-20 prices, the same as many new DVDs. If history has taught us anything, it's that with time prices go down on new technology.
Corrections in red. SEE ME AFTER CL@SS!!
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