Ps3 may have lost 3 billion but it was expected on Sonys half before released and does not hurt the PS brand as near as much as Xbox360.Sony said right before release PS3 is going to lose money at the start which is why Sony isn't making any excuses.Ps3 will recoup all loses made at a way faster pace then Xbox360 at the risk of losing money off the bat.Reasons you say?Well PS3 will turn in about 3-4 years profit at the end of its life and drove Blu-ray to be the winning format which will bring in money to Sony for atlest 10 years to come.Also unlike Xbox360,Sony still has PS2 and PSP on the market today making profit which incase to this date Sonys gaming divisions lose alot less then Micosofts Gaming division.People Also seem to forget that PS2 lost money for its first year or two also.Gun-Unit
Sony has more hardware systems on the market, which sells more software, and in term, makes more profit. If Sony killed the PS2 and didn't make the PSP, they would seriously be in the RED right now with the PS3 Having those systems is what has kept their gaming division out of the RED. M$ only has the XBox and they made the mistake of killing it right after the XBox 360 was released, which was dumb. I think the only reason they did this was because they were still losing money on the XBox and not making enough profit with the software. Still, I think if they had kepted it going for another 2yrs or so them would have made some profits on hardware and software. Because the XBox 360 is now making profits on the hardware and software, I doubt M$ will kill this system when the new XBox gets released. Why stop something that's making you money? That's the main reason Sony kept the PS2 going. It was consistantly making profts for them. Why stop that? Also, M$ losed 5 billion with the XBox and the losses they had with the XBox 360 have already be paided out. I believe M$ wiped the 5 billion loss of the XBox with profits from their software division and started fresh when the XBox 360 got released. So right now their gaming division is in the black.
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