It's no surprise to me that Sony is losing money, they're taking one for the team.
In an age where casual games dominate and children / soccer moms are the dominant consumers in sheer numbers, Sony looks in the other direction.
If I had a genie and could make a wish on how I wanted a major game company to perform, Sony would be the result. I'm an adult gamer that likes traditional "core" games, and that's Sony's focus, and that's where they excel.
It literally almost seems like Sony doesn't care about money, because all they want to do is please me. I'm in the minority, I'm an adult gamer that prefers traditional "core" games. I am far outnumbered by soccer moms and children, and they prefer casual games, and motion controlled casual games are what sell, because the target audience is the largest.
Sony is like a dream come true for me, because for whatever reason, they don't care about making money and just choose to please me as a gamer and continue making the games I want and the types of games that I like to play. I swear, I never had a genie and never made a wish for this to happen, but it is what it is, and Sony is the way that they are, and I love it!
The only reason Sony hasn't whored out to the casuals is because the Move was a complete failure.
Don't pretend like they didn't try.
I honestly don't care what the reason behind it is. The way the cards fell left Sony with the focus of making the kinds of games I like, and forgetting about pleasing the children and the soccer moms. It is what it is, and Sony is better because of it.
I don't want any company to fail, but if you give me the option of having a company struggle while delivering the exact kinds of games that I like buying and playing, or having a company see massive success while delivering games I don't anticipate or enjoy because they're aimed at children and soccer moms, I'm going to choose the first option.
I'm not like many of the fanboys here. Many of the fanboys here don't care about games at all, all they care about is the success of their company of choice, even if it comes at their expense. I'm the exact opposite, because I don't even have a favorite company going into any generation, I don't have predetermined favorites. I follow the games, and I let the games, along with company focus, dictate who is and isn't my favorite. Business and revenue doesn't matter at all to me, because I'm not a stockholder for any of these companies.
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, blah blah blah, At the end of the day these two consoles have 85% identical library and the 360 still outsells and makes more money then Sony. You can have games and make money if you have a good business model. Stop making excuses for the loser
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