Knack, driveclub, killzone and deepdown look worse after the unveiling and E3 but forza 5, Ryse, KI, looks better after the MS unveiling and after E3 sony lying again?
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Knack, driveclub, killzone and deepdown look worse after the unveiling and E3 but forza 5, Ryse, KI, looks better after the MS unveiling and after E3 sony lying again?
It's okay, MisterXMedia. Maybe next gen... Maybe... :(
Lying about what?Knack, driveclub, killzone and deepdown look worse after the unveiling and E3 but forza 5, Ryse, KI, looks better after the MS unveiling and after E3 sony lying again?
I see another lame Lem thread has been made haha. Is this why Killzone has almost double the preorders that the highest preordered MS title has (Forza), because it looks so bad??Knack, driveclub, killzone and deepdown look worse after the unveiling and E3 but forza 5, Ryse, KI, looks better after the MS unveiling and after E3 sony lying again?
[QUOTE="Tighaman"]I see another lame Lem thread has been made haha. Is this why Killzone has almost double the preorders that the highest preordered MS title has (Forza), because it looks so bad??Knack, driveclub, killzone and deepdown look worse after the unveiling and E3 but forza 5, Ryse, KI, looks better after the MS unveiling and after E3 sony lying again?
Yeah. I think SONY made the right choice sacrificing 60 FPS for increased visuals.Â
I see another lame Lem thread has been made haha. Is this why Killzone has almost double the preorders that the highest preordered MS title has (Forza), because it looks so bad??[QUOTE="PS4TrumpsXbox1"][QUOTE="Tighaman"]
Knack, driveclub, killzone and deepdown look worse after the unveiling and E3 but forza 5, Ryse, KI, looks better after the MS unveiling and after E3 sony lying again?
Yeah. I think SONY made the right choice sacrificing 60 FPS for increased visuals.Â
Hmmm...that is a tough choice, but I guess they want to try to have a "wow factor" game at launch. Still, isn't it worrying that they are having to sacrifice FPS for visuals already?[QUOTE="CallOfDutyRulez"][QUOTE="PS4TrumpsXbox1"] I see another lame Lem thread has been made haha. Is this why Killzone has almost double the preorders that the highest preordered MS title has (Forza), because it looks so bad??stizzal13
Yeah. I think SONY made the right choice sacrificing 60 FPS for increased visuals.Â
Hmmm...that is a tough choice, but I guess they want to try to have a "wow factor" game at launch. Still, isn't it worrying that they are having to sacrifice FPS for visuals already?I'm more worried about how Microsoft is going to dig itself out of the hole it made. I don't give a damn about graphics and cloud power if it's not making me any money.
[QUOTE="Tighaman"]I see another lame Lem thread has been made haha. Is this why Killzone has almost double the preorders that the highest preordered MS title has (Forza), because it looks so bad??imsure all of ps4 preorders are better dont make better maybe thats the only game worth preordering out of the bunch.ÂKnack, driveclub, killzone and deepdown look worse after the unveiling and E3 but forza 5, Ryse, KI, looks better after the MS unveiling and after E3 sony lying again?
I see another lame Lem thread has been made haha. Is this why Killzone has almost double the preorders that the highest preordered MS title has (Forza), because it looks so bad??imsure all of ps4 preorders are better dont make better maybe thats the only game worth preordering out of the bunch.Â[QUOTE="PS4TrumpsXbox1"][QUOTE="Tighaman"]
Knack, driveclub, killzone and deepdown look worse after the unveiling and E3 but forza 5, Ryse, KI, looks better after the MS unveiling and after E3 sony lying again?
Hmm, sounds as awful lot like how cows blame Halo sales on lack of good exclusives. :|
I see another lame Lem thread has been made haha. Is this why Killzone has almost double the preorders that the highest preordered MS title has (Forza), because it looks so bad??imsure all of ps4 preorders are better dont make better maybe thats the only game worth preordering out of the bunch. What you said makes no sense. Like at all[QUOTE="PS4TrumpsXbox1"][QUOTE="Tighaman"]
Knack, driveclub, killzone and deepdown look worse after the unveiling and E3 but forza 5, Ryse, KI, looks better after the MS unveiling and after E3 sony lying again?
I see another lame Lem thread has been made haha. Is this why Killzone has almost double the preorders that the highest preordered MS title has (Forza), because it looks so bad??[QUOTE="PS4TrumpsXbox1"][QUOTE="Tighaman"]
Knack, driveclub, killzone and deepdown look worse after the unveiling and E3 but forza 5, Ryse, KI, looks better after the MS unveiling and after E3 sony lying again?
Yeah. I think SONY made the right choice sacrificing 60 FPS for increased visuals.Â
but thats it theres no exclusive on the ps4 right now to justify that answerKnack, driveclub, killzone and deepdown look worse after the unveiling and E3 but forza 5, Ryse, KI, looks better after the MS unveiling and after E3 sony lying again?
Sony always this point it's pretty much expected
[QUOTE="PS4TrumpsXbox1"] I see another lame Lem thread has been made haha. Is this why Killzone has almost double the preorders that the highest preordered MS title has (Forza), because it looks so bad??Tighaman
Yeah. I think SONY made the right choice sacrificing 60 FPS for increased visuals.Â
but thats it theres no exclusive on the ps4 right now to justify that answerInFamous: SS. It has better better graphics than RYSE and is an open-world game with interactive environment.
why mother jokes? Yall be getting so defensive over the smallest things. Wasn't meant to be a joke. These people who are obsessed with a brand to the point where it is teh greatest thing in the world and everything else sucks seem to be a bit off in the dome. I'm just trying to pinpoint the reason. I think it has something to do with brain development during a child's early years or maybe even in the womb. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome isn't an unreasonable hypotheses.[QUOTE="Murderstyle75"]Well I'm assuming the TC's mother was drinking heavily when she was pregnant & breast feeding.Tighaman
but thats it theres no exclusive on the ps4 right now to justify that answer[QUOTE="Tighaman"]
Yeah. I think SONY made the right choice sacrificing 60 FPS for increased visuals.Â
InFamous: SS. It has better better graphics than RYSE and is an open-world game with interactive environment.
folks you can keep telling yourself that and you comparing a launch game to a after launch game? What is that saying about the launch exclusives?[QUOTE="CallOfDutyRulez"]
[QUOTE="Tighaman"]but thats it theres no exclusive on the ps4 right now to justify that answer
InFamous: SS. It has better better graphics than RYSE and is an open-world game with interactive environment.
folks you can keep telling yourself that and you comparing a launch game to a after launch game? What is that saying about the launch exclusives? Both launch alexclusives and earily exclusives usually suck ass. Developers don't like to waste money on their better work until they can sell millions of copies. Everything before that is nothing but filler content to satisfy the early adopters.[QUOTE="CallOfDutyRulez"]
[QUOTE="Tighaman"]but thats it theres no exclusive on the ps4 right now to justify that answer
InFamous: SS. It has better better graphics than RYSE and is an open-world game with interactive environment.
folks you can keep telling yourself that and you comparing a launch game to a after launch game? What is that saying about the launch exclusives? lol, they'll be launched within half a year of each other. Your argument would be valid if it was much longer after, where technology used to develop games would have had a chance to get significantly better.[QUOTE="Tighaman"]why mother jokes? Yall be getting so defensive over the smallest things. Wasn't meant to be a joke. These people who are obsessed with a brand to the point where it is teh greatest thing in the world and everything else sucks seem to be a bit off in the dome. I'm just trying to pinpoint the reason. I think it has something to do with brain development during a child's early years or maybe even in the womb. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome isn't an unreasonable hypotheses.I never said anything sucking at all I asked a question if your dont have an answer or discussion on the topic dont get on here talking about no ones mothers because even though we play gamws talking about mothers is not.[QUOTE="Murderstyle75"]Well I'm assuming the TC's mother was drinking heavily when she was pregnant & breast feeding.Murderstyle75
I see another lame Lem thread has been made haha. Is this why Killzone has almost double the preorders that the highest preordered MS title has (Forza), because it looks so bad??imsure all of ps4 preorders are better dont make better maybe thats the only game worth preordering out of the bunch. But double???[QUOTE="PS4TrumpsXbox1"][QUOTE="Tighaman"]
Knack, driveclub, killzone and deepdown look worse after the unveiling and E3 but forza 5, Ryse, KI, looks better after the MS unveiling and after E3 sony lying again?
[QUOTE="Tighaman"]folks you can keep telling yourself that and you comparing a launch game to a after launch game? What is that saying about the launch exclusives? lol, they'll be launched within half a year of each other. Your argument would be valid if it was much longer after, where technology used to develop games would have had a chance to get significantly better.they never gave a date on infamous so you cant say thatÂ[QUOTE="CallOfDutyRulez"]
InFamous: SS. It has better better graphics than RYSE and is an open-world game with interactive environment.
[QUOTE="Tighaman"]imsure all of ps4 preorders are better dont make better maybe thats the only game worth preordering out of the bunch. But double??? Also a lot more ps4 game preorders than xone (exclusive games and multiplats):[QUOTE="PS4TrumpsXbox1"] I see another lame Lem thread has been made haha. Is this why Killzone has almost double the preorders that the highest preordered MS title has (Forza), because it looks so bad??PS4TrumpsXbox1
I don't know about lying but a pattern I've noticed with Sony so far when it comes to PS4 is that they like to remain slient about anything and everything until MS says what they're gonna do.
Isn't that what m$ has been doing with the xbone. Also m$ are bigger liars, remember Milo? LOLI don't know about lying but a pattern I've noticed with Sony so far when it comes to PS4 is that they like to remain slient about anything and everything until MS says what they're gonna do.
Wasn't meant to be a joke. These people who are obsessed with a brand to the point where it is teh greatest thing in the world and everything else sucks seem to be a bit off in the dome. I'm just trying to pinpoint the reason. I think it has something to do with brain development during a child's early years or maybe even in the womb. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome isn't an unreasonable hypotheses.I never said anything sucking at all I asked a question if your dont have an answer or discussion on the topic dont get on here talking about no ones mothers because even though we play gamws talking about mothers is not. What's wrong with talking about mothers? If my mother taught me anything, that was dont care what anybody says to you. Talk about my mother all you want. Who cares. Are you from New York or something? This is a troll thread to begin with so if you can't handle insulting responses, don't make it to begin with.[QUOTE="Murderstyle75"][QUOTE="Tighaman"]why mother jokes? Yall be getting so defensive over the smallest things.Â
lol, they'll be launched within half a year of each other. Your argument would be valid if it was much longer after, where technology used to develop games would have had a chance to get significantly better.they never gave a date on infamous so you cant say that They said Q1 2014 at E3, which is within half a year of the X1 launch. Yes, I can say it. Don't be an idiot.[QUOTE="lx_theo"][QUOTE="Tighaman"]folks you can keep telling yourself that and you comparing a launch game to a after launch game? What is that saying about the launch exclusives?
nooooo I dont troll just asking a question that people are seeming to dodge. Also this is sw where over half of the posts involves so sort of trolling but this is not one of them Anyone can smell your trolling two blocks down the road. You're not really fooling anyone[QUOTE="Allicrombie"]is this trolling? this is pretty bad, even by SW standards.Tighaman
[QUOTE="Tighaman"]I never said anything sucking at all I asked a question if your dont have an answer or discussion on the topic dont get on here talking about no ones mothers because even though we play gamws talking about mothers is not. What's wrong with talking about mothers? If my mother taught me anything, that was dont care what anybody says to you. Talk about my mother all you want. Who cares. Are you from New York or something? This is a troll thread to begin with so if you can't handle insulting responses, don't make it to begin I asked a question about a game or games and that made you feel  some type of  way shows the bitchness in you that you would have to result to moma jokes its just products homie no need to be sensitive about them please theres a out there.[QUOTE="Murderstyle75"] Wasn't meant to be a joke. These people who are obsessed with a brand to the point where it is teh greatest thing in the world and everything else sucks seem to be a bit off in the dome. I'm just trying to pinpoint the reason. I think it has something to do with brain development during a child's early years or maybe even in the womb. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome isn't an unreasonable hypotheses.Murderstyle75
[QUOTE="Tighaman"]nooooo I dont troll just asking a question that people are seeming to dodge. Also this is sw where over half of the posts involves so sort of trolling but this is not one of them Anyone can smell your trolling two blocks down the road. You're not really fooling anyoneno I have watched every video of them games I mentioned every interview and I see the games are not looking the same so I asked a question so thats trolling?[QUOTE="Allicrombie"]is this trolling? this is pretty bad, even by SW standards.kuraimen
but sadly not in terms of gameplay :(I disagree. All the KZ footage I have seen has been about the same quality. It looks pretty good for a console game. Ryse probably looks the best out of all the next-gen game so far.
nooooo I dont troll just asking a question that people are seeming to dodge. Also this is sw where over half of the posts involves so sort of trolling but this is not one of them How is this not trolling. And how can you imply sony is lying just cuz you think their exclusives don't look good. Everyone will see this thread as a troll thread. And im not dodging your troll question. More preorders for killzone than any other x1 exclusives (almost double) and there more multiplats are being preordered on PS4 than Xone as well. So obviously most people dont think these games look like crap, just you[QUOTE="Allicrombie"]is this trolling? this is pretty bad, even by SW standards.Tighaman
[QUOTE="Tighaman"]they never gave a date on infamous so you cant say that They said Q1 2014 at E3, which is within half a year of the X1 launch. Yes, I can say it. Don't be an idiot. Haha technically your wrong as x1 come out november (probably closer to end of november) 1st quarter of 2014 would be Jan-March (cuz ya know a one quarter =1/4), 12 months/4 = 3, Jan-Mar is first 3 months of year). So at the most thats like 4 months - 4 1/2 months from when Xone releases, and thats only if Infamous SS releases in March haha ( I doubt it will come out in March probably late Jan or early Feb)[QUOTE="lx_theo"] lol, they'll be launched within half a year of each other. Your argument would be valid if it was much longer after, where technology used to develop games would have had a chance to get significantly better.lx_theo
[QUOTE="lx_theo"][QUOTE="Tighaman"]they never gave a date on infamous so you cant say that PS4TrumpsXbox1They said Q1 2014 at E3, which is within half a year of the X1 launch. Yes, I can say it. Don't be an idiot. Haha technically your wrong as x1 come out november (probably closer to end of november) 1st quarter of 2014 would be Jan-March (cuz ya know a one quarter =1/4), 12 months/4 = 3, Jan-Mar is first 3 months of year). So at the most thats like 4 months - 4 1/2 months from when Xone releases, and thats only if Infamous SS releases in March haha ( I doubt it will come out in March probably late Jan or early Feb) How is 4 months not within half a year? '-_-
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