Haha technically your wrong as x1 come out november (probably closer to end of november) 1st quarter of 2014 would be Jan-March (cuz ya know a one quarter =1/4), 12 months/4 = 3, Jan-Mar is first 3 months of year). So at the most thats like 4 months - 4 1/2 months from when Xone releases, and thats only if Infamous SS releases in March haha ( I doubt it will come out in March probably late Jan or early Feb) How is 4 months not within half a year? '-_- Haha, I guess i misread your post (I guess I initially read it as more than half a year)[QUOTE="PS4TrumpsXbox1"][QUOTE="lx_theo"] They said Q1 2014 at E3, which is within half a year of the X1 launch. Yes, I can say it. Don't be an idiot.lx_theo
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