[QUOTE="Jhung207"][QUOTE="Star67"][QUOTE="Jhung207"][QUOTE="Star67"][QUOTE="Jhung207"] [QUOTE="Tnasty11"][QUOTE="Star67"]PS3 will have enough games to play at the end of this year. Multiplats and Exclusives!(should be enough to tide people over until KZ2 or MGS4 8) )Star67
thank youYes for the current ps3 owners there is enough games to not make you throw your ps3 in the trash bin but for new consumers who are looking to buy a next gen console.
The smart and logical choice would be a xbox 360 and a wii.
xbox 360 + wii + a game = $600
Ps3 + a game = $600 (Rip off)
ps3 is $500 my friend, and $400 might be on the way. :)
$500 ps3 is a rare commodity and $400 ps3 is not confirm yet. So right now the ps3 is a rip off to many people.
Why would some one want to play heavenly sword and lair when they can play goty contenders in halo 3, bioshock, ssbb, mario galaxy and superior multiplaform games.
Superior multiplaform games was just an issue in the begining of the ps3's life, as developers get better with it the difference between versions will disapear. Plus you do get the advantage of a blu ray player and great up coming games in 2008.
Yea I want to see those 2008 ps3 games live up to their expectation before I make any judgement. Heavenly sword and lair anyone?
Those were new IP's, in 2008 we have proven AA-AAA franchieses with up coming sequals. FF and MGS.
Dont make excuses for Lair and HS please...its extremely annoying. You guys hyped the hell out of those games (hell you hype the hell out of everygame) and they did not live up to the hype. Constantly falling back on FF and MGS are those the only two games come on.
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