Obviously this is system wars and everyone cares about sales and graphics....but I've noted one big thing everyone forgets - Sony is a business and the PS3 has been a horrible failure for them as a company.
Look at the fact that last generation they sold around (greater than) 140 million units (PS2) vs. a mere 25 million Xbox originals. If you look at the percentage (between only these companies), that is 560% more than the Xbox.
So even if the PS3 eventually outsells the Xbox 360 by 10 million or 20 million, what an embarrassment. They are still hemorrhaging money and will NEVER have the same results as the previous generation.
For a company, the ONLY thing that matters is money. The difference between last gen and this gen is horrifying if you are Sony. The bickering on here is laughable because it is clear...SONY HAS LOST
Not the "console wars" but the utter domination they had, and the utter cash cow they had.
TC whenever a console launches in a new generation it doesnt start its userbase from the point of the last console -Every console gen is a new start, a new round its really bizzare how many poeple ignore this
Look at the E3 of the PS3 announcement - it was obvious Sony was confident the PS3 would sell extremely well. They were expecting not only a large percentage of the market share, but also profitability. They have achieved neither. This, in business, is called failure. It's bizarre how people don't realize this I hope youre enjoying the ps4 and 720 oh wait....this gen is faaaar from over, think before type, let the game end before declaring premature defeat,It was obvious they expecect it to sell well, I'm sorry CEO I forgot you were in that board meeting, And thanks for the obvious "I didnt know that when companies made a product they want it to sell"
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