I think they should focus on 120 FPS and 4d first. Don't you agree?
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I think they should focus on 120 FPS and 4d first. Don't you agree?
Whatever it is you will know it will be great, will have the games and will be beastly in everything, dosent matter when it comes i will buy it
outlining an aim doesnt mean it will happen in their next console.Heres a few quotes
"They aren't targeting 1080p resolution, but something much more than 4k. Yes, they're planning to go beyond 4k to 8k but this isn't going to happen any time soon, so expecting all this on the PS4 isn't logical. Sony is also targeting to get the latency under 50ms forframe ratesover 300 fps."
heres the part just before it the key word is fruition.
Analysts are expecting $1 billion for the silicon budget itself, which is gigantic, so don't expect all these things to come into fruition soon.
Seems more like they are pouring a load of cash into R&D and looking at new tech for the future more than anything really.
I think they should just focus on being able to play games at 1920x1080 with a solid 60fps. Anything more than that is unrealistic unless they want to charge a fortune.
And people didn't belive me in PS4 4K thread XD Ofcorse Sony will do it in PS4 if they will push 4K in same time, they did that with HD and 3D, it's practicly there job to provide that as TV and Console company
Incoming..... duel 1080P @ 120 fps ???? :twisted: :P
This could be a reality with PS4 if we count 120FPS as 3D
EDIT: opss didnt noticed dual :p
Well the 4k resolution has to do with 3d.
Doesn't mean you will actually see more than 1080 on your TV.
It's basically showing 2 different people, 2 different pictures at the same time.
They are doing all kind of freaky experimental stuff in Japan having to do with 3D and augmented reality.
The bread and butter "High rez, high framerate" stuff is strictly PC.
I can tell you in the future they are looking at having people wear goggles + look at tv, so you see graphics dancing around your living room + whatever is on the screen, they are also looking into tracking your cornea to concentrate the graphics where you are looking.
Like I said, freaky experimental stuff.
For me personally, 1080@60 and good games + "the couch experience" is all I care about.
I don't want to play against mouse users with a controller.
I want to use a controller and have all controller-users in the game so it's fair.
And I want 1080 native, 30 frames is acceptable but obviously 60 would be better.
outlining an aim doesnt mean it will happen in their next console.Heres a few quotes
"They aren't targeting 1080p resolution, but something much more than 4k. Yes, they're planning to go beyond 4k to 8k but this isn't going to happen any time soon, so expecting all this on the PS4 isn't logical. Sony is also targeting to get the latency under 50ms forframe ratesover 300 fps."
heres the part just before it the key word is fruition.
Analysts are expecting $1 billion for the silicon budget itself, which is gigantic, so don't expect all these things to come into fruition soon.
Seems more like they are pouring a load of cash into R&D and looking at new tech for the future more than anything really.
It's all just stupid talk anyways, we all know devs will just cram in more motion blur and bloom until it drops to 27 fps.
Guess no one cared to read the 2nd paragraph
"It is worth noting that this doesn't mean it will be available on the PS4; it is just a prediction about future technology trends which Tsuruta mentioned in an interview with E&T."
This isn't going to happen anytime soon. He is just making prediction of potential future technology.
This made me laugh. But to be fair, the actual game wasnt that far from the tech demo shown of KZ2. It wasnt the same, but not far off.Cannot wait to see their unrealistic Killzone 4 tech demo
This is certainly talking about PS5 and beyond. It's a good sign to see they still have high goals and expectations towards the future in pushing tech.
Sony can aim for whatever they want but being realistic, 1080p at 60fps will be the next consoles bread and butter for games. It may offer 4K res for photos and movies but with 4K, if you have to ask the price of the hardware, then you cant afford it!
I think they should focus on 120 FPS and 4d first. Don't you agree?
It has begun
I now know PS4 will be far weaker than xbox 720
They did the same hype for the underpowered PS3, only now they started earlier, which means PS4 will be far behind xbox 720
Not all people like to build exceptional computers and I'm one of those people. If they can make one and sell it for a cheap price with things that are hard to find or not always available in hardware dept. then why not?
Reminds me of all PS3 games be 60fps and 1080p and fill Blu ray disks complelty and PS3 run games liek Skyrim, Crysis 1-2 better than 360 etc
Sony is funny
There is really no point in having 300fps. No human being on the planet can tell the difference between 100fps and 300fps. Most people can't differenciate anything above 70fps. And before you increase the resolution make it so games can be played at 1920x1080 at a decent fps.
I think they should focus on 120 FPS and 4d first. Don't you agree?
It has begun
I now know PS4 will be far weaker than xbox 720
They did the same hype for the underpowered PS3, only now they started earlier, which means PS4 will be far behind xbox 720
Actually hardware wise the ps3 is far supreior to the 360. Unfortunatly it's bull**** hard to program for because of the processor.
I think they should focus on 120 FPS and 4d first. Don't you agree?
It has begun
I now know PS4 will be far weaker than xbox 720
They did the same hype for the underpowered PS3, only now they started earlier, which means PS4 will be far behind xbox 720
Actually hardware wise the ps3 is far supreior to the 360. Unfortunatly it's bull**** hard to program for because of the processor.
it seems sony can get away with infinitely many empty promises because cows are willing eat up whatever horseshiit sony spews out. :lol:
Well in the future why not?
AMD and Nvidia are always trying to hit those resolutions.
Also he said 4k, not 4000k and a 50ms latency for 300fps, not 300 fps games. I have no idea what that latter means but it sounds like loftey goals.
Glad you cleared that up. NOBODY would shoot for 300fps as a standard... thought it sounded fishy.There is really no point in having 300fps. No human being on the planet can tell the difference between 100fps and 300fps. Most people can't differenciate anything above 70fps. And before you increase the resolution make it so games can be played at 1920x1080 at a decent fps.
i play COD4 at 250fps, otherwise i get owned in Promod
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