If PS3 is superior why Gears 3 image quality looks 2 generations better than Uncharted 3 ? and has also bigger scale and more things going on screen too ?
Also why Skyrim, Crysis 1-2, RDR etc look 10x more blurry on PS3, than the next gen looking 360 versions ?
Sorry but actual games so far show 360 is vastly superior to PS3 hardware wise
As for the 4K, i am sure will look very nice on my 100.000$ 500'' HDTV
Crysis 1 isn't on the ps3 OR 360. It's a pc exclusive because it would melt a console.
I suppose will come as a shock when realize that Crysis 1 is actually on xbox 360 and looking way better than on PC too, using next gen ligting
I admit I didn't realise it was on console, but after looking at the current tech and some gameplay footage, it still looks better on pc. I mean seriously, DX9 console vs DX11 pc? I mean seriously, I'll post a link, watch the first 48 second of it.
I would post more but I've been up all night and I really don't want to waste too much time on this. So to sum it up, better lighting, better shadows, better textures, and more polygons. Also crysis was made in 2007... the console version was released in 2011 and it still looks worse.
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