The PlayStation 3 is the only elite gaming system on the market. Microsoft is trying to catch up to us at this point. Beyond the benefits of HDMI and a hard drive offered on every PS3 we make, we also provide game developers and consumers the huge capacity of Blu-ray disc, Wi-Fi, free online gameplay, wireless motion sensing controller and the power of Cell," said Peter Dille, senior vice president of marketing, Sony Computer Entertainment America. "Our strategy has always been to offer all our consumers a future-proof experience when they first purchase any PS3, rather than continually asking users to upgrade with expensive new add-ons and entire new SKUs."
Sony also said;
Microsoft's Xbox 360 Core system does not ship with a hard drive, which is required hardware for users to take advantage of the upcoming high-def service. A 20GB hard drive may be added to the Core system for under $100, giving it the same data storage capabilities of a Premium console. In reference to the fact that even the lower-tiered PlayStation 3 ships with a 20GB drive, Karraker said, "We would never segregate or shut out any of our consumers from our entertainment experience because they didn't buy the top of the line system."  OWTCH please discuss
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