@KillzoneSnake said:
Social media marches on towards censorship. I guess we should accept a horrible future? Weird how people defend it even if they dont like it lol. GS forums dead too but at least dont give brain damage like Twitter.
Again, that's just reality. Social media sites are, at the end of the day, privately-owned platforms, built primarily with commercial motivations in mind. Their first and primary interest is making money, and there are many commercial incentives to at least try to moderate their platforms.
Besides, such efforts tend to fail, because humans by their base nature like to get away with shit, and are ever innovative in their ways of circumventing attempts to control them. Even if they do somehow manage to enforce rules on their platforms, the internet is a vast and chaotic place, and there will always be corners of the internet where such rules hold no sway.
It's not about defending or fighting it, it's just the way it is. At some point, you reach the limit of what you can realistically do, and have to adapt to the rest at least to some degree.
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