Indeed, thats why I sold my XBOX360 and kept my PS3 but I don't think Nintendo has abandoned their core userbase like Microsoft. I've actually always wanted to buy a Wii for the games but the console itself has held me back.
Microsoft's core userbase is still with them, and being supported heavily.
Despite popular belief on this forum the majority of Xbox gamers from last gen did not rush out to buy games like Lost Odyssey, or Earth Defense Force this gen with their 360. The buying trends on the original Xbox are incredibly similar to the buying trends on the current 360. They bought WRPGs, and military games in the millions. The Kinect is an expansion into a new market, but yet practically every single non-kinect multiplat, and exclusive on the 360 is still selling millions.
It's like when people say Nintendo abandoned their core userbase, and yet when you look at their DS/Wii lineups you see a bunch of new IPs as well as old right alongside the education, and dance games. Their core userbase is still being pleased.
PS3, truthfully, is the only system that should be considered in this discussion. The PS3's lineup of games doesn't match what made the PS1 or PS2 library great. It's less about RPGs and Platformers, and more about big-budget, movie-esque games and shooters. That's not what made the PS1 and PS2 the behemoths they were at all, but they are now the biggest titles on the PS3.
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