@kingtito said:
Well El Tormented, until you get a PS4 there is no us.
Do I run around saying us with regards to the PS4? So how exactly am I a hypocrite El Tormented?
I don't care what you say and since you don't own a PS4 hypocrite you are not part of Us,just going by your own rules here..
@nini200 said:
I shall bookmark this thread so I can come back to it a year or so from now and see if the cows change their opinion on Titanfall once they get it. Lol
It will always be COD with robots, and i can get it on 360 or PC also,and still will be that way,now i will bookmark this thread so when the game goes to the PS4 and in a superior form i could see lemming claim Titanfall doesn't matter any more.
Much like they did with ME,Oblivion,Saints row,Bioshock,dead rising,oh no wait DR3 is exclusive now it matter again,funny when DR2 was also on PS3 it didn't,it was just another game..lol
@tdkmillsy said:
Funny how its claimed to be crap game when its not coming to PS4 yet the first sign it is cows are all over it.
It was most likely coming to PS4 until MS opened their wallet, there's nothing stopping them doing it again.
There's no guarantee you will get it on PS4.
Wonder how many posts before some says "its a good job I can play it on my PC " my guess is 3 tops.
EA most be cursing now the day they make the deal with MS...hahaha
When the deal was make EA actually believed that MS was next in line to be the console market winner,and sadly it didn't happen and in just 6 short weeks the PS4 was already 1.2 million ahead and without japan in the equation,imagine how bigger it will be in a few weeks.
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