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TC obviously was'nt around when we went from VHS to DVD. It was the same deal as it is now.
Why the snide comment about my age? You have no idea whatsoever how old I am. And this is a useless comment because you fail to address, not a one even, the arguments made in this thread as to why it is not "the same deal as it is now." Epic fail.
BR is the last physical media for movies. They won that... Now Digital down loads or streams of those movies will be the thing that might kill BR off several years from now.
Unless TV's gets mega HD... Something insanely higher res then 1080p... BR is gonna be more then enough for a single movie.
I didn't buy any BR's yet for my PS3. I got 5 free and rented over 20 from netflix. I'm not ready to spend the premium for a small increase in visual quality. That's not to say everyone is like me... I seen people with almost every single BR release.
Now this is a good answer. He made all his points with facts and logical arguments. No need to use insults or unsupported statemenst when you have a brain.Good Show! Epic Win!
One other thing, the comments about the additional cost of blu-ray discs are pretty arrogant for the most part. Claiming that paying $5 to $10 per disc isn't significant is not a valid argument. Of course, it is. Price is always a consideration. For many people and families, especially now, this amount is a make or break deal in deciding between a blu-ray and a dvd. A number of people have realized this and have made intelligent statements that blu-ray is best for action or special effect movies and less important for drama for exampe. Why certain posters claim have no respect for budgetary concerns I just don't understand.
[QUOTE="IronBass"]We all knew BR was not goint to overtake DVD in two years :? Give it time.Majordutch201
Nah, I highly doubt blu ray will take over DVD if anything they will co exist side by side, you figure some people will not be willing to pay the extra 5-7 dollars for the better picture and audio, while movie buffs and audio and video philes will be all up in that.
I would probably be one of the individuals you are referring to. I still by VHS if its cheap and there are some rare films that still have not been released on DVD. I highly doubt with their cost that these samefilms will be released on Blu-Ray.HD has not conquered the world like DVD has finally taken over from VHS. Until then I will continue to buy DVD's.
It was the same story with VHS to DVD. Why should I have to re-buy my entire collection, I thought? Besides I barely noticed a difference in the quality, and the best audio or visuals in the world cannot make up for a film being god awful.
One other thing, the comments about the additional cost of blu-ray discs are pretty arrogant for the most part. Claiming that paying $5 to $10 per disc isn't significant is not a valid argument. Of course, it is. Price is always a consideration. For many people and families, especially now, this amount is a make or break deal in deciding between a blu-ray and a dvd. A number of people have realized this and have made intelligent statements that blu-ray is best for action or special effect movies and less important for drama for exampe. Why certain posters claim have no respect for budgetary concerns I just don't understand.
That is the curse of us so-called 'hardcore' fanatics. We think we are better, and we also think that people who dont invest the money and time into our hobby shouldnt bother. This view is, of course, utter arrogance. But its the prevailing view, whether people are consciously aware that they think this or not.
This applies to games themselves. I have argued with a number or forum posters about their policy of never buying used games because it only benefits the retailer, not the devs, but the devs are no less money hungry than the retailers. They have not invested in stock, are not sharehiolders, they are not boardroom members, so why do they care? It is enjoying the product that matters. I dont feel I should throw my hard-earned money at a game brand new rather than used, but some people are so passionate that they thinkdevelopment studios are a charity, not a business. Its a sad state of affairs for the consumer when they begin thinking this way.
Saying that, in times of recession, peoiple spend more on DVD's than on nights out on the town, so DVD sales (but not quite so much Blu-Ray) will benefit from that.
Is the TC is aware that the PS3 isn't the only Blu ray compatible machine on the market?
Why mention HD DVD? it died over a year ago (but it still has its uses, 40 HD DVD's at £3 each
I haveabout 40 blu rays, many people don't want to change to Blu Ray just yet, the introduction of new formats takes quite a while,
Blu Ray has only been out for about 3 years....I only began to buy them in June 2008
as any1 ever seen the bluray comparision for The kingdom of heaven? The dvd version was so blurry and the blu ray version was clear and filled with detail. Psn_FF7numbaOne
Just bought that yesterday! haven't seen it before, but looks damn good!
Yes, I am aware that the PS3 is the only compatible blu-ray "gaming" console on the market. Uh, that is the whole point of this thread. Duh!
Why mention HD DVD? First, you answered your own question. Second, OMG this is so dumb, the whole post, I can't write a response.LOL. Our public schools are in real trouble aren't they?
My response was dumb? your intial post was dumb, saying that the increased quality over a regular dvd isn't worth the price is just your own opinion... I think its entirely justified, in fact most new films are so cheap upon release, It'd would be silly to settle for anything less...then again its just my opinion and since the update on your intial post, is it confirmed that DD is going to rule after Blu ray? It could do, but then again it might not...therefore you cannot say if Sony has lost the HD format war at all.... Microsoft may have cut losses by removing the HD DVD drive from the market... I want to play/discuss games not argue about which company is going to make the best quarterly profits....You topped yourself. I didn't think it was possible but you did it. You tell me that my post is dumb, because I am giving an opinion. And then, you say and you give your opinion. Hilarity entails! You close by saying you want to discuss and play games and not argue about which company is profitable. But you are reading (and that might be stretching it) and posting in the "systems wars" part of the forum. Did you get lost and can't find your way out? LOL, as Maximus would say "Are you not entertained!"
.......................The 'war' was over when HD DVD died. Bad analogy, try another.Indie_HitmanSaying that TCi have never brought a Blu Ray movie! Then again i dont buy Movies as such! My memory only works for things i find interesting but when it kicks in that s it i can remember like everything, watching a film more than once i find a tad pointless sometimes :P
It's not just about the Blu-ray... some people don't even have a HDTV yet... so in order to take full advantage of blu-ray, it will cost them a new TV. Which they didn't really need to get from VHS to DVD.
There is no significant upgrade from dvd to bluray except price and there definately isn't a significant upgrade of upscaled dvd to blu ray most consumers can't tell the difference and its going to stay that way, the upgrade from dvd to blu ray was never as big as that from vhs to dvd.
Instant start up, rewind,foward,fast rewind, fast forward, menus, chapters, picture (different from resolution), sound.
DVD-blu ray
resolution, sound and even then only if the user can take advantage of this, vhs to dvd because the increase was built in to the very nature of dvdany user could take advantage of the increased sound fidelty and updated visual fidelty the upgrades in bluray you need to have a setup to take advantage of it dolby digital and dts *of which you needed extra equipment on the dvd to take advantage of* but on blu ray you NEED said equipment to take advantage of these extras the basic inline visual fidelty and sound is no different from a dvd if you were to just use a SD tv and its speakers.
VHS-DVD these are technologies that were built around what the common consumer had access to, Bluray and hd dvd are built around them selves and require the user to upgrade their equipment.
Anyone who can't see a signifigant difference between SD and HD is as blind as a bat. on such a small screen like your PC, the difference is far from "minimal."
It's drastic.
People seriously have no idea how much an SD DVD image is downgraded from it's original film source. Blu-ray/HD is the closest representation of theater quality we've ever had. dr-venkman
Exactly. Here is another link to add to that.
Link #2 Differences of DVD and BLU-RAY.
I own three Blu-Ray movies -- all movies bought for $9.99 on Black Friday. BR is just too ****ing damn expensive... thank God I have netflix. To be completely honest, Blu-Ray is nice... but no where near worth the money for Blu-Ray players and Blu-Ray disks.Stevo_the_gamer
Why dont you rent moveis then?
Hard copy will always be around sorry to hurt peoples feelings in here but that is the truth. Bluray movies aren't as expensive as they used to be, once again sorry to hurt peoples feelings, you can get blurays now for about $10 for fairly recent movies at Walmart. Also the reg dvd section has came down to about a 20 or 24 foot run at our walmart and others, while bluray sections are now also about 20 to 24 foot section, so it it get a stable foot hold in business.
And a good bluray movie's pic quality is a huge difference to a reg sd copy of the movie. Also streaming movies from online services is great, but it is a long way off from taking over for having a hard copy of a movie. Heck yall talking about bluray not taking off but then to go on and try to hype digital downloaded movies as the next big thing lol is just crazy. People don't like paying extra for bluray what makes you think those same people want to pay a extra $20 or $30 a month for their internet to have fast enough download speeds to really enjoy that kind of service lol.
Heck Video on Demand has been around for years and what exactly has it done to DVD sales? It sure hasn't taken over for DVD so why would it take over Bluray? Its not, those services are nice as a option but not for a single way to get movies. So in the end its going to be bluray and digital download as a nice option, end of story.
People on here say bluray pic quality isn't no different than SD dvd but then complain about resolution that a game runs at or a few bad textures here and there in a game. Doesn't make much since huh lol.
People on here say bluray pic quality isn't no different than SD dvd but then complain about resolution that a game runs at or a few bad textures here and there in a game. Doesn't make much since huh lol.GreyFoXX4
[QUOTE="GreyFoXX4"]People on here say bluray pic quality isn't no different than SD dvd but then complain about resolution that a game runs at or a few bad textures here and there in a game. Doesn't make much since huh lol.
[QUOTE="GreyFoXX4"]People on here say bluray pic quality isn't no different than SD dvd but then complain about resolution that a game runs at or a few bad textures here and there in a game. Doesn't make much since huh lol.
MGS 4 rocks **** and looks beautiful
[QUOTE="GreyFoXX4"]People on here say bluray pic quality isn't no different than SD dvd but then complain about resolution that a game runs at or a few bad textures here and there in a game. Doesn't make much since huh lol.
nothing more from me lol. Thanks for the vote of confidence in what I stated :)
[QUOTE="dr-venkman"]Anyone who can't see a signifigant difference between SD and HD is as blind as a bat.
Even on such a small screen like your PC, the difference is far from "minimal."
It's drastic.
People seriously have no idea how much an SD DVD image is downgraded from it's original film source. Blu-ray/HD is the closest representation of theater quality we've ever had. SolidTy
Exactly. Here is another link to add to that.
Link #2 Differences of DVD and BLU-RAY.
The point is that, although it looks good, that's all it does. I can see the difference, thank you, but I frankly don't care for it. It's not like I'm going to lose part of the plot because some detail got lost in the SD transfer. Otherwise, we'd already be seeing BluRay-only movies. Also from the lack of BR-only movies, there must still be considerable demand for DVD movies, owing not only to the low uptake of players but also the low uptake of HDTVs (which are required for just about any visual quality difference).This thread is a fail.
My first blu ray was transformers and after that every good movie comes out i want it on a blu ray.So far i have around 5 blu rays.But there arent many in my country anyway,so its alot if you see it from this way.
Have alot of DVDs but i have been buying them since long and thats why the collection is HUGE.And btw my DVD collection basically started because of PS2 not Xbox.Same goes for the blu ray collection.Nowadays i dont purchase much DVDS.I always prefer Blu rays for big block busters.
[QUOTE="GreyFoXX4"]People on here say bluray pic quality isn't no different than SD dvd but then complain about resolution that a game runs at or a few bad textures here and there in a game. Doesn't make much since huh lol.
[QUOTE="GreyFoXX4"]People on here say bluray pic quality isn't no different than SD dvd but then complain about resolution that a game runs at or a few bad textures here and there in a game. Doesn't make much since huh lol.
You are right about that he totally missed the point. But, the post is dumb, because nobody is saying that Blu-ray isn't better than SD. Of course, it is. what most people are discussing is that blu-rays aren't worth the money for the increased costs over upscaled DVDs. I'd like to hear more about that.
Well my high def movie addiction started with HD DVD. I still have my HD DVD player.I currently haven't bought a movie for it for a while now and don't intend to. I have roughly around 18 HD DVDs. When Warner switched to Blu-ray I bought a PS3 the next day. I won't buy a movie now unless it's in HD. I have over 30 blu-rays right now (around 8 PS3 games, that i play to dead mainly NHL09 and SF4). I didn't like blu-ray at first because i felt it was overpriced and lacked features HD DVD currently had. But now i actually love the format since it's evolved over time. I'm with everyone that's saying blu-rays are too expensive. I refuse to buy a blu-ray over $20, but you really just need to shop around for them, there are some really good deals on blu-ray movies.
Also movie buffs chose HD DVD, ironically though the gamers were the reason blu-ray won since the PS3 forces one on you. (stand alone players only)
Well my high def movie addiction started with HD DVD. I still have my HD DVD player.I currently haven't bought a movie for it for a while now and don't intend to. I have roughly around 18 HD DVDs. When Warner switched to Blu-ray I bought a PS3 the next day. I won't buy a movie now unless it's in HD. I have over 30 blu-rays right now (around 8 PS3 games, that i play to dead mainly NHL09 and SF4). I didn't like blu-ray at first because i felt it was overpriced and lacked features HD DVD currently had. But now i actually love the format since it's evolved over time. I'm with everyone that's saying blu-rays are too expensive. I refuse to buy a blu-ray over $20, but you really just need to shop around for them, there are some really good deals on blu-ray movies.
Also movie buffs chose HD DVD, ironically though the gamers were the reason blu-ray won since the PS3 forces one on you. (stand alone players only)
I only buy HD as well, but as far as your MOVIE BUFF statements, that's not true. I have two HD-DVD players and Two Blu-Ray players. MOVIE BUFFS Actually had both, since the studios were divided (and most studios were with Blu-Ray.)
I am trying out some blu-ray discs and comparing their quality to upscaled DVDs. I watched the Reader on both versions and saw no noticeable difference. I watched Frost/Nixon and there was a noticeable improvement for blu-ray. I know these aren't action movies, but I am just starting my comparison. So, do companies just slap some films on blu-ray without making them better looking? Why isn't the Reader better on blu-ray and Frost/nixon is better?
Many films have been slammed onto Blu Ray with hardly any upgrade....Gangs of New York and Terminator 2 are two big culpritsI am trying out some blu-ray discs and comparing their quality to upscaled DVDs. I watched the Reader on both versions and saw no noticeable difference. I watched Frost/Nixon and there was a noticeable improvement for blu-ray. I know these aren't action movies, but I am just starting my comparison. So, do companies just slap some films on blu-ray without making them better looking? Why isn't the Reader better on blu-ray and Frost/nixon is better?
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