You have preached on and on about the PS3 being ahead when its common knowledge they were combining sales. You said lemmings were crazy when we said if Sony had ever, even once officially pulled ahead we would have seen a Sony press release. But the truth is here and its a small thing really. If you enjoyed PS3 more good for you.
But the PS3 finished in last place. Close only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades. As for sales in next gen, we;ll see :)
First of all what you are quoting here are shipments not actual units sold,so yeah the PS3 could be very well ahead,and is not the first time MS has been accuse of stuffing the channels to give better impression of sales,true is last month world wide even on US the PS3 actually beat the 360 in sales.
So while both are at 80 million shipped that doesn't mean they both are a 80 millions sold,the xbox 360 reach 80 million 16 days ahead of the PS3,while the PS3 is selling better even on US do the math if you know how to add.
The damage control is too much. You've argued over and over and over that the PS3 was ahead. Ive even seen idiots claim the PS3 was close to 81 mil back in March LOL
Tormento, you've been royally owned.
Last place. #Dealwithit
See my last reply this are shipped numbers nos sold to costumers,so yeah MS shipped 80 million 16 days faster,now show me a place where the 360 is selling better.
Oh wait you miss last NPD the one were the PS3 actually break the 360 streak as best selling console on US,but wait EU is on lock on sony and on Japan the xbox 360 is dead since 2006.
Yes it so impressive that it is the worst selling PlayStation to date.
So impressive that Sony (financially) is worse today then it was when the PS3 launched.
So impressive that Sony lost over half its market-share to Nintendo and MSoft.
The only thing impressive about Sony is the amount of failure they have endured the last decade.
Sony Fan the clowns of SW.
1-Yes it release for $600 dollars and sold 3 times better than the original xbox did,not only that it tied with the xbox 360 which was up to $300 cheaper,Sony worse preformance = MS best is sad isn't.?
Sony financial problems are not the PS3 alone dude get your damn fact rights,sony has way more products than MS has.
To nintendo lets not forget the 30 million xbox 360 rebuys because of RROD now be honest lemming squad and tell me who of you don't own a slim 360 today.? hahaha
The xbox sold for $300 way more powerful than the PS2 and failed like few products has before it,so on a scale of failures things go like this..
100 million Wii.
80 million xbox 360
80 million PS3
Last gen.
155 million PS2
25 million xbox
24 million GC.
No matter who you slice it the xbox brand has been one of the biggest failures,it release a year before any one and it ended tied,worse losses were so high that still to this day they haven't make a single clean cent out of their division.
Is funny to watch this thread i should bookmarks for future quoting this holiday when NPD and charts all over the world start to show the PS4 beating the xbox one,but i guess then sales will not matter.
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