March 31, 2011: Sony closes three of it's five Sony Online Entertainment Studios these are:
SOE: Denver: Auto Assault, Legend of Norrath, Magic the Gathering Tactics
SOE: Seattle: The Agency
SOE: Tucson: The Agency (co-develop)
January 10, 2012: Sony Closes Bigbig Studios
BigBig studios: Pursuit Force, Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice, Motorstorm: Artic Edge, Little Deviants
March 30, 2012: Sony Closes Zipper Interactive
Zipper Interactive: Soccom Series, Mag
August 22, 2012: Sony Closes Sony Liverpool Studios (AKA Psygnosis)
Psygnosis: Colony Wars series, G-police Series, Wipeout Series
anyone noticing a pattern? which studio will be next? place your bets
for comparison, in the same Time Period:
August 2, 2011: Sony aquires Suckper Punch
Sucker Punch: Infamous Series
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