Yea thats cute... some of those games are awsome but why dont you go ahead and post Ps3 games to compare atleast??? Its dumb just to say something and then just naming 2 ps3 games...Anyways most of PS3 games are being developed and i Have to say they sound far more interesting...
Metal Gear Solid 4 (Its exclusive Kojima stated it, well atleast for now) > Another movie with some gameplay in between.
Uncharted Drakes Fortune > AA game max.
rachet and clank tools of destruction > a disco ball weapon, ill pass.
Heavenly Sword > AÂ T-rated God of War for girls.
Lair > Slow, boring, repetetive gameplay, no ground combat, no online.
8 days > the CGI trailer with a crosshairs slapped on it, what a shame.
Warhawk > no single player
Socom... > last gen graphics.
Killzone 2 > please, any gameplay footage?
Final fantasy 13 and versus ( 2 diffrent games!!!) >any gameplay yet, or just a tec-demo?
getaway 3 > have u played the first 2 games?
Jak and daxter >should be on the Wii
White knight > Lost Odyssey will take care of that.Ninja Gaiden Sigma > Ninja Gaiden Black upgraded, just wait for NG 2 on the Xbox360
Little Big Planet > Kids
And ill come back and repost the rest... forgot the rest dont worry there alot more.. hehe hehe mauahahaha
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