My responses are in green
Yea thats cute... some of those games are awsome but why dont you go ahead and post Ps3 games to compare atleast??? Its dumb just to say something and then just naming 2 ps3 games...Anyways most of PS3 games are being developed and i Have to say they sound far more interesting...
Metal Gear Solid 4 (Its exclusive Kojima stated it, well atleast for now) > Another movie with some gameplay in between.> Metal Gear Solid is a cinematic game, yes, but it has very satisfying gameplay, a great story, great characters, etc.
Uncharted Drakes Fortune > AA game max. > Uh, buddy you don't call the shots, and from what it seems, Gamespot, IGN, 1Up, etc have been impressed with Uncharted
rachet and clank tools of destruction > a disco ball weapon, ill pass.> First off, its only one weapon. Insomniac is known for making unique weapons for their games. Unlike their game Resistance, Ratchet isn't a mature title. Disco Ball weapon is good to go.
Heavenly Sword > A T-rated God of War for girls.> Let's see, because there's not as much over the top killing and gore that's in God of War, it makes it bad? It's also not a rip off. Different characters, different story, more depth in gameplay, not based on Greek mythology in any way whatsoever = no rip off. Why is it for girls? You feeling insecure that Nariko is more badass than you'll ever be?
Lair > Slow, boring, repetetive gameplay, no ground combat, no online.> You're a pilot, I don't normally see pilots landing, getting out/off their vehicles (dragons in this case) and fighting. There is ground combat actually, on the dragon, the way that makes sense. There's more than enough variety of gameplay in this game. In air, you can shoot fireballs, ram other dragons, do cinematic finishing moves, get into 1v1 battles where it switches to a fighting game like mechanic where you can use combos to defeat the other dragon. You can pursue dragons, and take them out. This isn't all, you can tear off Rhino heads with your dragon's claws and throw it at the enemy, and you can even throw other ground units, such as the Tauros seen in one of the gameplay vids.
On the ground, you can stomp, eat soldiers, breath fire, claw enemies, ram, etc
Who cares if it doesn't have online? Since when did a game need online to be good? 10-12 hour single player for Lair is about average for a game of its type, and with the medal system and achievements that will be integrated into Home, there is plenty of replay value.
8 days > the CGI trailer with a crosshairs slapped on it, what a shame. > That was only one trailer shown, expect much more. Ever hear of teasers?
Warhawk > no single player > Wait, weren't you just complaining about no multiplayer for another flight game? Now no single player is bad? You were complaining about that too for Lair. :lol: They dropped single player because they felt it wasn't up to par. The online was recieved very well by everyone that's played it and left them wanting more. This to me seems like an excellent AAA online experience.
Socom... > last gen graphics. > Early in development, nuff said.
Killzone 2 > please, any gameplay footage? > Wait until E3
Final fantasy 13 and versus ( 2 diffrent games!!!) >any gameplay yet, or just a tec-demo? > Final Fantasy titles don't disappoint.
getaway 3 > have u played the first 2 games? > Previous titles don't reflect on the out come of future titles.
Jak and daxter >should be on the Wii > No, Naughty Dog develops exclusively for Sony and Jak and Daxter has been one of the better platformers released on any console.
White knight > Lost Odyssey will take care of that. > Why don't you wait until there's more information on both before you jump to conclusions. The gameplay shown before is old.Ninja Gaiden Sigma > Ninja Gaiden Black upgraded, just wait for NG 2 on the Xbox360 > Extra content, better graphics, new weapons = better than Black = Good upgrade. Also, its good for Playstation owners that have never played Ninja Gaiden.
Little Big Planet > Kids > A unique, community based, cooperative platformer = kids? Just because its not a mature title doesn't mean its for kids buddy.
And ill come back and repost the rest... forgot the rest dont worry there alot more.. hehe hehe mauahahaha
Did u say FF games dont dissapoint? FF8, FFX-2, FFXIIÂ to name 3 that were god awful
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