Eh halo is pretty much the only fps game I enjoy on consoles. It's very obvious that it's built from the ground up for controllers, and it shows.
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Ditto with everybody else in the thread. And our eyes detect variation very well. Honestly, a solid 30 FPS is probably more visually pleasing than a framerate that fluctuates between 30 and 70 (obviously it depends on how often it fluctuates).DarthBilfThis x1000. Give me a steady framerate anyday,
[QUOTE="whiskeystrike"]I've still got my xbox and will definitely play any exclusives on that and if I had a PS3 I'd play exclusives on that as well.I sometimes feel like hermits just started gaming this gen. How in the world did you guys ever survive in the days of DX9 and past?
Enjoy your PC though and make the most of it. Don't spoil yourself too much though and close your mindas there are a number of good games on consoles as well.
Well that's good to hear. I've always felt like the elitist hermits who fool themselves out of good console games because of no 60 FPS/1080P are tools. Not that you need to be playing multiple systems to be a fair or balanced gamer but I think it's one of the dumbest reasons I hear from PC gamers who don't like consoles. Congrats though and welcome to the dark side :P
[QUOTE="DarthBilf"]Ditto with everybody else in the thread. And our eyes detect variation very well. Honestly, a solid 30 FPS is probably more visually pleasing than a framerate that fluctuates between 30 and 70 (obviously it depends on how often it fluctuates).Spartan070This x1000. Give me a steady framerate anyday,
Of course this is true, but that doesnt mean consoles do not suffer from this. And if you have a good computer this is not a problem as you can lock games at 60.
I've still got my xbox and will definitely play any exclusives on that and if I had a PS3 I'd play exclusives on that as well.[QUOTE="jcbullen"][QUOTE="whiskeystrike"]
I sometimes feel like hermits just started gaming this gen. How in the world did you guys ever survive in the days of DX9 and past?
Enjoy your PC though and make the most of it. Don't spoil yourself too much though and close your mindas there are a number of good games on consoles as well.
Well that's good to hear. I've always felt like the elitist hermits who fool themselves out of good console games because of no 60 FPS/1080P are tools. Not that you need to be playing multiple systems to be a fair or balanced gamer but I think it's one of the dumbest reasons I hear from PC gamers who don't like consoles. Congrats though and welcome to the dark side :P
PC primarily gamer here and I buy anything that has games I love :P. PC is the best hardware hands down. There is simply no denying it. If I could play every game on PC, I would not own a console. With that said, I don't find console games hard to play except for dual analog in FPS games (playable, but terrible compared to KB/M). The bottom line is I need my Zelda, Mario, Uncharted, SSX, and so on :P.
If you care so much about a slight fps increase then your should probably quit gaming.
It really is not slight though ;). But of course, most games on console are definitely playable.
I've still got my xbox and will definitely play any exclusives on that and if I had a PS3 I'd play exclusives on that as well.[QUOTE="jcbullen"][QUOTE="whiskeystrike"]
I sometimes feel like hermits just started gaming this gen. How in the world did you guys ever survive in the days of DX9 and past?
Enjoy your PC though and make the most of it. Don't spoil yourself too much though and close your mindas there are a number of good games on consoles as well.
Well that's good to hear. I've always felt like the elitist hermits who fool themselves out of good console games because of no 60 FPS/1080P are tools. Not that you need to be playing multiple systems to be a fair or balanced gamer but I think it's one of the dumbest reasons I hear from PC gamers who don't like consoles. Congrats though and welcome to the dark side :P
The dark side indeed, thanks!I've still got my xbox and will definitely play any exclusives on that and if I had a PS3 I'd play exclusives on that as well. so whats the point in this thread besides you stroking your imaginary ego Because I noticed a big difference and said something about it. That's what forums are for, unless you have a different opinion.[QUOTE="jcbullen"][QUOTE="whiskeystrike"]
I sometimes feel like hermits just started gaming this gen. How in the world did you guys ever survive in the days of DX9 and past?
Enjoy your PC though and make the most of it. Don't spoil yourself too much though and close your mindas there are a number of good games on consoles as well.
I've still got my xbox and will definitely play any exclusives on that and if I had a PS3 I'd play exclusives on that as well. so whats the point in this thread besides you stroking your imaginary ego And my ego is very real, thank you very much.[QUOTE="jcbullen"][QUOTE="whiskeystrike"]
I sometimes feel like hermits just started gaming this gen. How in the world did you guys ever survive in the days of DX9 and past?
Enjoy your PC though and make the most of it. Don't spoil yourself too much though and close your mindas there are a number of good games on consoles as well.
Gotta agree with this, i tried playing the family 360 the other day......what a horrible experience that was all blurry and laggy (under 30fps) urgh no thanks...*runs back to pc and gives it a big hug*I've been playing games on consoles since pretty much forever and I have never really had any major gripes about them. I was fine with the fact that the majority of consoles games are locked at 30 FPS. Now that I bought a gaming PC, I can't imagine going back to 30 FPS. I was playing Metro on max settings and my frame rate was dipping down to a minimum of 30 FPS from 70 FPS and that was disappointing to see. To think, that used to be the norm for me. No more!
I've still got my xbox and will definitely play any exclusives on that and if I had a PS3 I'd play exclusives on that as well.[QUOTE="jcbullen"][QUOTE="whiskeystrike"]
I sometimes feel like hermits just started gaming this gen. How in the world did you guys ever survive in the days of DX9 and past?
Enjoy your PC though and make the most of it. Don't spoil yourself too much though and close your mindas there are a number of good games on consoles as well.
Well that's good to hear. I've always felt like the elitist hermits who fool themselves out of good console games because of no 60 FPS/1080P are tools. Not that you need to be playing multiple systems to be a fair or balanced gamer but I think it's one of the dumbest reasons I hear from PC gamers who don't like consoles. Congrats though and welcome to the dark side :P
But does a good game remain a good game if performance issues are a big enough nuisance to break your immersion, and therefore kill enjoyment?
I mean don't get me wrong, there are console games out there that don't fail in those ways, but they're not all like that. Luckily, as far as my experience goes, it tends to be the multiplatform games that suffer the most, and I can just get those on PC anyways.
I mean I played ME2 last week on a 360, and I just couldn't believe how unbelievably choppy it looked. I even asked friends if they could see it happening, and they did (and they're primarily console gamers themselves). It may have been one of the worst offenders I've seen in recent memory, but like I said they aren't all like that, but there are some.
Meanwhile if you play something like Gears of War, RDR, or Infamous, even though they also run at lower frame rates they just aren't quite as noticeable as other games. I think maybe it has more to do with the added level of polish because the devs are focusing on perfecting the game for one, or two systems.
who gives a f***, i can enjoy games at 30 fps or 60 fps, who cares
Well the point is that the gameplay in real time combat games is substantially improved with 60FPS. I think that's the point. Not to say you can't enjoy games at 30FPS, they are just better at 60FPS.
Its pretty redundant when pc gamers feel the need to circle jerk each other off about 60's fps and all that and guess what the majority of people don't care. I want people to enjoy their 60, 30 fps but don't sit here and tell people their not playing videogames right if they aren't playing 60 fps's, i grew up with 30 fps and lower, never bothered me once.No one is saying 30FPS isn't "right". Just that 60FPS enhances the experience, which it does. Especially when the gameplay relies on real time combat/reactions/accuracy etc. 30FPS never bothered me either when I played with it, but then again neither did 15FPS or less back when that was standard. It's all relative, but undoubtedly 60FPS provides a superior experience.
Its isnt worth trying mate people will ALWAYS hate on what they dont understand, i used to have the same opinion about pc gaming when i was younger...then just took the plunge into pc gaming and have rarely looked back.^^ Three voices of reason in a row.
[QUOTE="jcbullen"]Its isnt worth trying mate people will ALWAYS hate on what they dont understand, i used to have the same opinion about pc gaming when i was younger...then just took the plunge into pc gaming and have rarely looked back. It's true, they get so freaking angry whenever you mention anything like this. If they know it'll make them fly off the handle, then they don't need to read it.^^ Three voices of reason in a row.
[QUOTE="jcbullen"]Its isnt worth trying mate people will ALWAYS hate on what they dont understand, i used to have the same opinion about pc gaming when i was younger...then just took the plunge into pc gaming and have rarely looked back.^^ Three voices of reason in a row.
I hated the idea of playing games on a computer. I couldnt get past it and using a keybaord and mouse and such. Well for most games anyway, I always played Diablo and DOS games and such. Then I played enough counterstrike with my bro and once you practice with it it becomes second nature and you never wanna go back. PC is where its at, though I still console game when needed.
[QUOTE="jcbullen"]Its isnt worth trying mate people will ALWAYS hate on what they dont understand, i used to have the same opinion about pc gaming when i was younger...then just took the plunge into pc gaming and have rarely looked back. i'm a pc gamer also, i just hate it when i see people tell other people how their doing gaming wrong or something if they enjoy it on consoles and also you guys act like 60 fps was also on pc's or something. I'm sure as kids you enjoyed games on consoles and the low fps didn't bother your enjoyment. Why now all of a sudden its a big deal.^^ Three voices of reason in a row.
[QUOTE="jonleeprice"][QUOTE="jcbullen"]Its isnt worth trying mate people will ALWAYS hate on what they dont understand, i used to have the same opinion about pc gaming when i was younger...then just took the plunge into pc gaming and have rarely looked back. i'm a pc gamer also, i just hate it when i see people tell other people how their doing gaming wrong or something if they enjoy it on consoles and also you guys act like 60 fps was also on pc's or something. I'm sure as kids you enjoyed games on consoles and the low fps didn't bother your enjoyment. Why now all of a sudden its a big deal. I didn't say people are doing it wrong, I said that I couldn't go back. If people don't mind the lower FPS, then by all means.^^ Three voices of reason in a row.
Its isnt worth trying mate people will ALWAYS hate on what they dont understand, i used to have the same opinion about pc gaming when i was younger...then just took the plunge into pc gaming and have rarely looked back.[QUOTE="jonleeprice"][QUOTE="jcbullen"]
^^ Three voices of reason in a row.
I hated the idea of playing games on a computer. I couldnt get past it and using a keybaord and mouse and such. Well for most games anyway, I always played Diablo and DOS games and such. Then I played enough counterstrike with my bro and once you practice with it it becomes second nature and you never wanna go back. PC is where its at, though I still console game when needed.
When I bought my computer, I also picked up an Xbox controller for windows and a long HDMI cord. Needless to say, I can game on my huge TV with a controller using my computer and it gives the same feel as a console.[QUOTE="jonleeprice"][QUOTE="jcbullen"]Its isnt worth trying mate people will ALWAYS hate on what they dont understand, i used to have the same opinion about pc gaming when i was younger...then just took the plunge into pc gaming and have rarely looked back. i'm a pc gamer also, i just hate it when i see people tell other people how their doing gaming wrong or something if they enjoy it on consoles and also you guys act like 60 fps was also on pc's or something. I'm sure as kids you enjoyed games on consoles and the low fps didn't bother your enjoyment. Why now all of a sudden its a big deal.^^ Three voices of reason in a row.
Its a big deal because this is system wars, where morons come to let their stupid opinions die.
Where 2 FPS difference or incredibly unnoticeable change in resolution to most eyes is a HUGE deal.
Where people justify paying for their gaming machines by insulting other gaming machines and those who play them for no reason.
Seriously, this is the forum we are in.
i'm a pc gamer also, i just hate it when i see people tell other people how their doing gaming wrong or something if they enjoy it on consoles and also you guys act like 60 fps was also on pc's or something. I'm sure as kids you enjoyed games on consoles and the low fps didn't bother your enjoyment. Why now all of a sudden its a big deal.[QUOTE="infinite884"][QUOTE="jonleeprice"] Its isnt worth trying mate people will ALWAYS hate on what they dont understand, i used to have the same opinion about pc gaming when i was younger...then just took the plunge into pc gaming and have rarely looked back.SPYDER0416
Its a big deal because this is system wars, where morons come to let their stupid opinions die.
Where 2 FPS difference or incredibly unnoticeable change in resolution to most eyes is a HUGE deal.
Where people justify paying for their gaming machines by insulting other gaming machines and those who play them for no reason.
Seriously, this is the forum we are in.
true trueDoesn't prevent me from enjoying good games. Sucks to be you.AcidSoldneronce you try the superior option, it does.
[QUOTE="NaveedLife"][QUOTE="jonleeprice"] Its isnt worth trying mate people will ALWAYS hate on what they dont understand, i used to have the same opinion about pc gaming when i was younger...then just took the plunge into pc gaming and have rarely looked back.jcbullen
I hated the idea of playing games on a computer. I couldnt get past it and using a keybaord and mouse and such. Well for most games anyway, I always played Diablo and DOS games and such. Then I played enough counterstrike with my bro and once you practice with it it becomes second nature and you never wanna go back. PC is where its at, though I still console game when needed.
When I bought my computer, I also picked up an Xbox controller for windows and a long HDMI cord. Needless to say, I can game on my huge TV with a controller using my computer and it gives the same feel as a console.By "when needed", I meant when I have to :P. I love Zelda, SSX, and so on, so I need consoles for that. if I can get it on PC, thats where I get it ;). I use a PS3 controller on PC for some games, which turns out was just Street Fighter IV which I never play anymore :P.
i'm a pc gamer also, i just hate it when i see people tell other people how their doing gaming wrong or something if they enjoy it on consoles and also you guys act like 60 fps was also on pc's or something. I'm sure as kids you enjoyed games on consoles and the low fps didn't bother your enjoyment. Why now all of a sudden its a big deal.[QUOTE="infinite884"][QUOTE="jonleeprice"] Its isnt worth trying mate people will ALWAYS hate on what they dont understand, i used to have the same opinion about pc gaming when i was younger...then just took the plunge into pc gaming and have rarely looked back.SPYDER0416
Its a big deal because this is system wars, where morons come to let their stupid opinions die.
Where 2 FPS difference or incredibly unnoticeable change in resolution to most eyes is a HUGE deal.
Where people justify paying for their gaming machines by insulting other gaming machines and those who play them for no reason.
Seriously, this is the forum we are in.
2 frames? Not noticeale resolution difference? What console are you playing on? I want one.
I'll deal with slight framerate issues in favor of superior controls. Flame on.
How could it be superior if you can use the same controls on PC? Not sure why anyone would, but you can.
have fun playing twisted metal, gears 3, halo, etc. Oh wait you can't. Also, how does it feel to know the 360 is lead console for all multiplats, and you get a version that uses less than half of your gpu's potential
have fun playing twisted metal, gears 3, halo, etc. Oh wait you can't. Also, how does it feel to know the 360 is lead console for all multiplats, and you get a version that uses less than half of your gpu's potential
You failed pretty badly with this post.
Why would a PC gamer care that the 360 is the lead console for multiplats when 99% of multiplats are better on PC?
I have gears 3 and halo thanks and i CAN play them i just choose not to coz they look awful, yes you have a good point there 360 IS the lead console good job the pc ISNT a console then hey ;)have fun playing twisted metal, gears 3, halo, etc. Oh wait you can't. Also, how does it feel to know the 360 is lead console for all multiplats, and you get a version that uses less than half of your gpu's potential
Yeah, I've got consoles for exclusives and I've got a computer for everything else.have fun playing twisted metal, gears 3, halo, etc. Oh wait you can't. Also, how does it feel to know the 360 is lead console for all multiplats, and you get a version that uses less than half of your gpu's potential
I've been a PC gamer all my life, beginning with Doom on floppy disks. I play games on consoles too, but as a PC gamer the below 30fps dips are much more noticeable to a PC gamer than it is a console gamer. The Mass Effect 3 demo on PS3 just drove me insane. It was horrid.
You're implying fps on consoles is always stable? Plus you can lock fps on PC games.
More stable than PC almost always.
There is no way to "lock" FPS.
With specs like ours, the 60-120 FPS in almost every game is excellent isn't it?I've been a PC gamer all my life, beginning with Doom on floppy disks. I play games on consoles too, but as a PC gamer the below 30fps dips are much more noticeable to a PC gamer than it is a console gamer. The Mass Effect 3 demo on PS3 just drove me insane. It was horrid.
all three[QUOTE="MW2ismygame"][QUOTE="arkephonic"]
This. That.
Until a digital foundry thread pops up, comparing a 2 fps difference between xbox360 and ps3.
Or one of the 1000 next gen console hardware threads.
i honestly dont care about 30 or 60 or 120 (although im usually at 100+ except on crysis) fps, it does make games feel much better to play, but i can deal with a lower framerate if i have to. however, this post speaks so much truth about how console players compare each other's consoles although there's a minuscule difference 90% of the time. i just find it odd that there seems to be no need (as said by majority of console players) for a thread that showcases the talents of developers/modders and the possibilities with pc gaming having screenshots of the photorealism that can be found on it. its often not to brag, but to show people something really cool. most of the time, the TC says nothing about how pc gaming is superior, but in fact just wants to share something that can be possible with pc gaming now (and consoles soon). however, people can get stuck on a single texture comparison between ps3 and xbox 360 and have the argument go on for days, feeling as if their opinion on the almost identical comparison is law.Please Log In to post.
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