Admit it guys, forget BlazBlue, forget Street Fighter, forget DoA, Tekken is balls to the wall phenomenal.
It's everything in a fighting game done right. Hot girls? CHECK (Lili and Xiaoyu are hotter than any girl in DOA put together), FREE DLC? CHECK, The most diverse and balanced character rosters in fighting games? Fvck yeah!
I'm sad though. This series doesn't get any notice on SW. It's all ArseSys and Crapcom that gets all the notice. Damn casuals don't know what a good game is because they can't land a single hit on Tekken.
Throw in TTT2's AMAZINGG online mode (connectivity options ftw) and the game STILL managing to surpass any fighter in SP mode diversity we have a winner.
Katsuhiro Harada you are a god.
Filthy casuals don't know of fighting game perfection.
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