How can people always say "PS3 has no good games, it is teh flop, enjoy playing MotorStorm for teh 1337 time!11!!?"
Lemmings are always saying that cows are waiting for good games, which is kind of a load of bull. Think about what the hell you are saying.
Considering you are calling them cows (meaning ONLY SONY fan, not?) that means that they probably only own a PS3. If they only own a PS3, then they've got a lot of great games to play.
Oblivion, Rainbow Six: Vegas, The Darkness, Resistance: Fall of Man, Call of Duty 3, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, MotorStorm, Virtua Fighter 5, Fight Night Round 3, Def Jam: Icon, etc.
Now, and I know what the first lemming comments are gonna be, ":lol: only 2 exlcusives and we've all played most of them games for months already! teh phail!"
But no, anyone who makes them comments are "teh phail" because this argument is about using the damage control saying "cows have no games." They have tonsof games, I listed over 10 games that I would have if I only had a PS3. I think 10 good games is enough to warrant a purchase is it not?
Note, for those who didn't quite understand me, COWS have games, anyone who owns a PS3/360, will probably have minimal games for their PS3. But if you are strictly a COW, you have tons of new games to play.
And one more damage control thing, saying Oblivion or Vegas or Fight Night Round 3 are games you've played for months and are nothing new is also not a valid argument, because these games are still NEW to cows, and same with Ninja Gaiden Sigma, so none of that bull.
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