I remember before PS3 and Wii were out and I was watching E3 on G4 in amazement. I was thinking to myself WOW PS3 is going to be great. Heavenly Sword, Lair, GTA4, MGS4, Resident Evil 5, Devil May Cry 4 and all the other fantastic games were the games I wanted to play. They all looked outstanding. Which is why I bought my PS3 on launch day. Sony has also been very good to me in the past. I was never really into the types of games that Microsoft had on the Xbox. So I bought a PS3 thinking I would be able to play "exclusive" games on my PS3. Come to find out I could have just boughten a 360 and gotten the games I expected from Sony and MORE.
And don't get me wrong here, there are/will be Sony exclusives but not sheer amount and quality of exclusives that were on the PS2. Its becoming clear to me that Microsoft will have more / better exclusives than Sony. I owned a PSX and a PS2 and so I thought that Sony would continue the tradition with PS3. I wrong. And don't think I'm making this thread just because of the FF XIII announcement. Its been something that I've been thinking about for awhile now. Its just that now after E3 I can swallow it. I'm keeping my PS3 because I can't justify selling something I paid $600 for less than half that price. Plus it'll be good for blu-ray movies and the occasional exclusive (little big planet, GoW3). However, I'm going to be looking at Microsoft for my gaming needs. Now if they would only release a new model with HDMI and fix that RRoD so I could buy my 360 with no concerns.
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