If Gamespot and IGN give out another 10 I'm going to start getting suspicious :|
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I dont see why it should be rated any higher...If it does everything it promises well, then thats an 8.5...Wow, lot of 8.5s so far. Wonder why?
7.5. I think it lacks innovation, falls into the "More of the Same" category.jknight5422
something between 8-9. Ive already given the game almost 20 hours, its really good, the features are more than welcome, and the textures in the characters are flawless and impressive, stuff as seing the dents in the armor, of the forging marks in the swords. I have the PS3 version, but I also played the 360 version. If you activate all the RGB and White settings in the PS3 borh end up looking exactly the same, the advantage though is now with the PS3 thanks to the installation reducing loadings to almost nothing, since loadings in this game are quite lenghty without it. The installations is optional, online mode is still down (of course game was not released ::)). The character selection is wide, the Star Wars characters do not make appearances in the story mode, only Starkiller is on the Arcade in stage 7. There are more than 350 pieces of equipment, most of it unlocked through Honors (a kind of reward system as the one in Devil May Cry 4. There are both offline as online honors.
The gameplay is now focused on attacking and not defending. Defenders are penalized with Soul Crash (armor breaking) and heavy defenders are even further penalized with Critical Finish (a 1 hit KO really hard to pull against a human opponent since you have to deplete the soul gauge of the opponent and then make a Soul Crush). The guest characters (Starkiller, Yoda and Vader dont play badly, and integrate easily on the normal rooster, the force powers can be blocked and parried. Out of the 3 Yoda is the cheapest one, since he cant be grabbed most of the time, and mid hits are always a miss.
All in all its a really good fighter, imo the best of this gen. There are different modes also, the story mode is where you unlock both the Joke weapons and the Soul weapons for each character, fans of the series will have a surprise with the stories of some characters, specially Sophitia. The excuse for the Star Wars characters to be there is that they felt a disturbance in the force, which ended in some guy opening a rift between dimentions allowing them to come to this planet. There they realised about this sword, Yoda wanted to stop them, Vader wanted both to rule the world (the final image of him holding both is priceless) and Starkiller is sent on a mission to get those swords.
You can customize all the characters, except the Star Wars characters and the Mangakas (Manga artists) characters which can only receive new weapons and accessories. The rest can be fully customized into new characters (hair, skin, clothes, etc.)
The game uses an skill system that gives you passive skills, new moves, and stat increasers. The equipment no longer determines whether you are good or evil, and that is now chosen by us in the beginning. The Normal St.yles are not in the game, now its only the Soul St.yles (that means Siegried, Mitsurugi, etc). Darth vader, Yoda and Stakiller cant be used as St.yles though (the possibility to add them more skills would make them too powerfull)
The old characters movesets are back, with some changes, especially in timings, and some combinations too. The stages can be partially destroyed (some background parts as sculptures, the floor or even in one stage, hit the gong :D. The floor thats broken remains broken which is a really cool thing. The combat wasnt noobified as some where afraid of, it remains almost the same as in SC 2.
The modes in the SP are Story, Tower of Souls Ascend which is a mission mode, Tower of Souls Descend which is the survival mode and Arcade. Each character represents an st.yle, that includes the Star Wars characters. This st.yles can be level up which unlocks new skills to use. The max lvl is 9 but its not easily achieved.
In character creation you can increase the stats of your character, with Attack, defense and HP, also other stats as Impact, Power, Gauge, Boost and Special which give you access to the skills.
I would have to say 8.5-9 (learning more toward 9). But I don't really care about Reviews I am getting the game tomorrow.
75% 8.5
25% 9.0
Fighting GOTY = SSBB
GOTY award=/= game with the highest review score. Soul Calibur 4 just may get GOTY.
I hope it flops and gets like a 7 . The game looks ugly and is a re-hash and I feel there are better fighting games than it.
7.5. I think it lacks innovation, falls into the "More of the Same" category.jknight5422That didn't stop Halo 3 getting an 9.5 and GTA4 with score of 10. As for Soul Calibur IV anywhere from an 8 to an 9.5 IMO.
9. another game the wii doesnt get. lolLemmywinks_360I'll trade you Soul Caliber for Madworld. Deal?
[QUOTE="Lemmywinks_360"]9. another game the wii doesnt get. lolSynysterFreakI'll trade you Soul Caliber for Madworld. Deal?
9.0 is my bet.
8.5 to 9.0
Might be knocked for being more of the same
[QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"]8.5 to 9.0
Might be knocked for being more of the same
Yes, the Tower of Souls is a great mode. Especially in the mode called Ascend. In that mode, you clear floors in sets of 3 most of the time. Each floor will request you to do a especial something to unlock treasureas as equipment and accesories. Sometimes its hard to decifer what it requires, but it gives more juice to the mix.
For some weird reason I havent been able to tag offline, dont know why. It recognizes the 3 controllers, but I can place more than one in each player, nor there is an option to do so.
9. another game the wii doesnt get. lolLemmywinks_360
haha :lol: and i still dont get why ppl put money on wii. i would if it was under $100.
I think it'll get an 8.0.DeathScape666
c'mon man, get serious over here. but then you prolly said 8 cuz you have mario everywhere on you and own a wii which isnt gettin the game so nvm...fanboys these days.
[QUOTE="Saturos3091"][QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"]8.5 to 9.0
Might be knocked for being more of the same
Yes, the Tower of Souls is a great mode. Especially in the mode called Ascend. In that mode, you clear floors in sets of 3 most of the time. Each floor will request you to do a especial something to unlock treasureas as equipment and accesories. Sometimes its hard to decifer what it requires, but it gives more juice to the mix.
For some weird reason I havent been able to tag offline, dont know why. It recognizes the 3 controllers, but I can place more than one in each player, nor there is an option to do so.
you have the game?
Yes, the Tower of Souls is a great mode. Especially in the mode called Ascend. In that mode, you clear floors in sets of 3 most of the time. Each floor will request you to do a especial something to unlock treasureas as equipment and accesories. Sometimes its hard to decifer what it requires, but it gives more juice to the mix.
For some weird reason I havent been able to tag offline, dont know why. It recognizes the 3 controllers, but I can place more than one in each player, nor there is an option to do so.
[QUOTE="kenshinhimura16"][QUOTE="Saturos3091"][QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"]8.5 to 9.0
Might be knocked for being more of the same
Yes, the Tower of Souls is a great mode. Especially in the mode called Ascend. In that mode, you clear floors in sets of 3 most of the time. Each floor will request you to do a especial something to unlock treasureas as equipment and accesories. Sometimes its hard to decifer what it requires, but it gives more juice to the mix.
For some weird reason I havent been able to tag offline, dont know why. It recognizes the 3 controllers, but I can place more than one in each player, nor there is an option to do so.
you have the game?
Since Friday. I already clocked 18 hours and still have a ton of things to unlock. By the way, the Survival mode this time is in Tag battles, which is cool, until you realise that the opponent come in the same fashion, only that you have 2, and the opponent can go up to 4.
[QUOTE="kenshinhimura16"]Yes, the Tower of Souls is a great mode. Especially in the mode called Ascend. In that mode, you clear floors in sets of 3 most of the time. Each floor will request you to do a especial something to unlock treasureas as equipment and accesories. Sometimes its hard to decifer what it requires, but it gives more juice to the mix.
For some weird reason I havent been able to tag offline, dont know why. It recognizes the 3 controllers, but I can place more than one in each player, nor there is an option to do so.
I think it will come as an update soon after release. In fact, the PS3 version already has a patch (1.01). I dont know about the 360 one cause I wasnt there during the first boot of the game, but I managed to play it a bit though. Yoda is really cool, but as a hardcore SW fan myself, Vader is the best choice, and imo has better moves (he mostly especiallises in slow hard hitting stun hits and grabs, yes, grabs as the choke hold :D)
The gameplay is now focused on attacking and not defending. Defenders are penalized with Soul Crash (armor breaking) and heavy defenders are even further penalized with Critical Finish (a 1 hit KO really hard to pull against a human opponent since you have to deplete the soul gauge of the opponent and then make a Soul Crush).
Hmm I don't know what to make of this. Would you say the penalization is a bit too heavy based or is it well balanced? Does it differ from character to character etc? It's probably one of those things you have to play to get a feel of it; but it doesn't hurt to ask, since you've played it.
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