A subset of the RPG genre (Like ARPGs for example). They tend to focus more on the storys told, then the actions of the main character, often with a main character set in stone (though this is not a requirement, not soley seen in JRPGs, but they are more often then not).
The game is build up on the basics of the first RPGs created, having very distinct combat systems, and far more of s stone/paper/scissors type of combat where weakness and resistence is much more important. Where as most other RPG types it is the direct action that matters, and the weapon used.
Most JRPGs also focus far less on character building, there is not a lot of perk and stat lines that is up to the player, rather often automated, and play a minor role compared to the overall character level. So scaling also tends to work completely differently. Stats are less important overall, often reaching into the 90s showing a far more binary focus, not only in how the characters evolve, but also in how stats are calculated
I would say that JRPGs are the evolution of the first RPGs attempted, with a focus on telling a story.
Where as most Wrpgs how you level up is much of the focus, what skills you have, what perks you have, do you have the all important +1 in str, and hope for overall being a better melee fighter? or do you try to unlock the path for higher spells?
Wrpgs tend to follow PnP RPGs FAR more, in fact most WRPGs have a PnP version (like fallout did have an actual honest to good PnP rpg, and baldurs gate had a cut down modified version of something akin to a players handbook as a game manual). Often focusing less on the overall story of the world, but more on the induvidual story of the player character, and the choices you make with them, attempting to give the illusion of choice and consequences.
Ofcourse the two genres often meet, and create hybrids that are not really one or the other. like FF15.
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