I doubt its a timed exclusive.
I don't doubt it.
This is what I did to come to my belief :
- Looking at Splinter Cell's entire History regarding multiplat status,
- Looking at Ubisoft's History as a 3rd Party company,
- Looking at 3rd Parties multiplatform agnostic policies this entire generation,
- Looking at the History of Xbox Timed Exclusive Releases and 3rd Party Timed Deals,
- Looking at the install base of the PS3 34 Million (about 5 Million away from 360's install base),
- Looking at NDA's within the game industry, and understanding how NDA's work, and why NDA's are employed,
- and most importantly, Reading Ubisoft Montreal CEO Yannis Mallat and Lead Splinter Cell : Conviction's Designer Stephen Masters various statements regarding the Splinter Cell : Conviction's Future, I don't doubt at all.
Two Quotes and Links for you. :P
Link & Quote #1, Ubisoft Montreal CEO Yannis Mallat :
"VideoGamer.com: We're a multiplatform website, and we have many PS3-owning readers who would love to play Splinter Cell: Conviction. Do you have any message for them? Is there any hope for them regarding the game?
Yannis Mallat: There is always hope.
VideoGamer.com: Does that mean Splinter Cell: Conviction might come to the PS3?
Yannis Mallat: I can't predict the future. But it's good to hear that people who can't play Splinter Cell are willing to.
While Mallat's comments do not confirm Conviction's arrival on the PS3, they are cryptic enough to suggest Splinter Cell's days on PS3 may not be over."
Link & Quote #2, Lead Designer Stephen Masters of Splinter Cell : Conviction :
"Don't you dare question the ability of the Splinter Cell: Conviction developers. According tolead designer Stephen Masters, the team "could easily" create the amazing looking sequel for PlayStation 3. That doesn't mean they're going to, however. If it's not a lack of technical know-how, why wouldn't Splinter Cell be coming to Sony's black box o' Blu-ray?
"Well that's purely a business decision. That's it," he explains. "Ubisoft as a company now has a lot of experience with PS3. Our processes, tools, techniques are very well-developed -- we could absolutely execute on the PS3 if we had the opportunity, but like I said it was a business decision."
A business decision? That's one, very tactful way, of putting it, but there's no need for Ubisoft to be so coy. Just tell us many many zeros Microsoft wrote on that check and we'll say no more about it. "
That's just two interviews, there has been other statements, articles, sites, etc.
I'm not too worried about it at any rate, I have the 360 version reserved (why wait?), but I've been keeping track of the news for the game, and this stuff comes up all the time. It's been in development almost as long as Alan Wake.
I'm more inclined to believe it's timed. Officially, "It's only for PC and 360" though.
no, the devs confirmed that conviction was not coming to the ps3. the franchise will....so no conviction, only other splinter cellsThey said that about DA too.... just sayin'
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