@Litchie: @ermacness: I'm a Metal Gear Solid 4 defender and really like the game 'when it let's you play it' but it's certainly not a 10/10. It's got too many flaws and heavy pacing issues. Majority the tools are novel and are not benefiting the games structure. But honestly 10/10 picks on these media sites are commonly questionable.
Looking at 10/10's one thing is true, all are undoubtedly decent and very solid games. Would even state most are like 8/10's given fluff points for zeitgeist behavior. Reason GameSpot will never give Monster Hunter a 10/10 is because they're clearly mixed negative on the series as a whole, heck they called base-World "too hard".. only giving it flavor points because World blew-up in popularity.
Bayonetta 2 isn't even as good as the original Bayonetta but got a perfect score is a solid example of this. Just look at games given 10/10's and if you've played them, be honest, and think of all the flaws the games have.
Not even considering 10/10 games need to be 'perfect' but they've got to at least be better than the prior game right..
Also fyi Cyberpunk now or at launch was never a 10/10. 2.0 certainly did a lot for the game, however it's not even now the game they originally promised, choices are still lacking branching paths, it's a single-player Boarderlands game with better graphics. That's not a 10/10 in any regard if looked at objectively.
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