[QUOTE="mr_mozilla"]Yes, I've watched that myself few times and that's where my hype mainly comes from. But will the finished game really be like it or did something get left on the editing table?
My concern is people are going to treat Spore like any other game, almost like a TV. They are an audience egally waiting a show to entertain them, when the idea behind Spore is people take the tools and the sandbox given to them to find their own entertainment; tell their own stories.
People are talking about the game being shallow, well that is because they are only taking what the game has given them and contributed nothing back. Will Wrights "Mo" experience wasn't something that was hard coded, it wasn't something set up in advance for him to play though, he created that experience from what he was given.
If people mentally sit on their butt and say "Ok Spore, entertain me" they are going to have a boring experience. Spore has provided all the tools needed to personalize your experience, but in the end you are the one who has to determine that experience; not pre defined aspects of the game.
If many people don't have the imagination and creativity to find fun in Spore; perhaps Will Wright overestimated his audience.
I understand where you're coming from, but well, I completely disagree. If I wanted to create a bunch of wacky characters and buildings I could draw them on a piece of paper. Unless I can do interesting things with the characters and creations, things that have some depth to them, what's the point?
And really was the insult to anyone who disagree's at the end of your post necessary? Not everyone enjoys just creating monsters, and it certainly doesn't make them any less intelligent.
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