Liar! Says the guy who bashes Final Fantasy every single day. Go and play Final fantasy for real and then back your shit up. And i don't want to play shitty nintendo jrpgs as Pokemon or Fire Emblem. Sorry. Got my Hands full of real jrpgs !
And you say I'm a child? You sure act like one here in GS! Isn't that right @KBFloYd
LOL. You really prove you are a manchild, can't argue with me one to one, always have to bring in help of fellow users or mods to fight me HeHe
You're the one that is for tagging me in your lame ass threads and then won't admit that you never played an RPG's on the SNES and then go on personal attacks on me saying that I'm lying and only play 1 game. You already lost, stop it now.
You started with me on this thread about which rpgs Playstation got besides Souls and Bloodborne. And i won't let you escape smartass, stand and fight like a man :I
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