so , they simply killed this petition , becauseFF teamare too busy working on other titles.
We over at Gaming Today have been slowly watching the rising number of signatures on this online petition to produce a re-make of Final Fantasy VII. The author of the petition has informed us that the petition has crossed the 20,000 signature mark, so he notified Square-Enix. Here's their response (brace yourselves):
Thank you for contacting SQUARE ENIX Customer Support,
We hope this letter answers your questions.
Our parent company, SQUARE ENIX of Japan, has no current plans to create a sequel or remake to that particular title at this time. This is not to say that it will never happen, it's just that their development teams are currently focusing on numerous other projects.
We hope this information has been of assistance.
Neil- SQUARE ENIX Customer Support
I know: dang. On the plus side, it's starting to look like they're getting the message. They probably just seriously do have way too many projects on their table - including about five Final Fantasy games, not to mention another Kingdom Hearts title - to even consider taking on another one right now. Maybe wait until Final Fantasy XIII is out the door and then start hassling them again.
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