Microtransactions, releasing unfinished games, DLC nickel and diming, franchise whoring, development hell, and then writing off franchises because they failed due to their own actions.
People love to bash Activision/Blizzard and EA for doing these things, but when SquareEnix does it, they look the other way (outside say Mankind Divided). See FFXV, an overpraised unfinished pile of mediocrity. Instead of grilling the company for releasing an outdated design of a game that is clearly unfinished, it gets praised for returning the franchise to form (Really, name one mainline FF game that is as unpolished and incomplete as FFXV, you really can't). SquareEnix's actions have clearly weakened Mankind Divided, and has hurt the Deus Ex franchise. And do not get me started on their mobile games, most of them are cash grab for those who eat member berries.
And in regards to DLC, they are even worse than EA as SquareEnix rips you off with small short DLC for bigger prices. See Rise of the Tomb Raider or Mankind Divided. At least EA DLC many times have substance behind them. They have the worst Season Passes in gaming by far.
And them looking at episodic games is just going to end in disaster, with them failing to understand how it works or even how Life is Strange succeeded (okay, they made a great move publishing that game and allowed DONTNOD to go with their vision, but really, EA would have let them do the same thing here).
How far they have fallen from their Squaresoft days, when they were a highly touted developer who almost always delivered quality, and when they failed, its because the idea didn't really work instead of them screwing themselves.
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