Seriously. I have never seen an e3 conference not only be worse than a company's spring showcase, but actually poorly market their games so bad that the hype level goes down. And not only that, the spring showcase wasn't great either, and the Dragon Quest X slap in the face for Western fans during its 35th anniversary stream feels like a huge middle finger.
In the Spring showcase, Outriders ended up being mediocre and generic, with a poor launch, right after a very generic and boring presentation. Their constant Avengers showings keep reminding players why the game bombed. Balan Wonderworld was a laughable flop, laughed at in the showcase. Outside of LIS True Colors, which had an excellent presentation, only Forspoken turned heads.
Oh boy, e3. Guardians of the Galaxy simply put, did not wow gamers. It wasn't a disaster, but its poor graphics, weak looking combat system, and sometimes cringe writing, place it far from a hype game. The Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster was a huge slap in the face announcement with lack of details. Babylon's Fall may be the biggest anti-hype moment, and Stranger in Paradise's trailer was meme worthy bad that actually put off people who liked the first Final Fantasy.
Overall the Dragon Quest stream was mixed, with some good announcements, but the DQX middle finger to the western fanbase, and the DQX offline compromise, as well as failing to show the Adventures of Dai console game in the stream for the West brought it down. DQXII saved the stream, and DQ3 HD-2D looks awesome. For Japan though, they may have knocked it out of the park, DQX is great.
Life is Strange True Colors however, had phenomenal marketing in the spring showcase and still does with this e3. Alex Chen has become a very popular character in the LIS fanbase well before the games release and they may have placated those who wanted a return to the roots with a more Max style likable lead as well as the return of Steph. They outlined the power really well, showed the evolution that the series could take, announced a great looking remaster, and now a Switch version with a reveal that seems to be inspired by fan art. That Switch reveal now has fans wanting an actual LIS anime. There is actual interest in non-fans getting into the series.
As for SE's other announcements this e3.....yikes.
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