Man im still laughing,realy!! :D
In the end Wii-gamers theyll say:
NMH better than NinjaGaiden 2 - DMC4 - God of Wars 3.
FF chronicles better than FF 13
Fatal Frame 4 better than RE 5
SSBM !!!!! better than Tekken 6-Soul Calibur-SF4 !!!!!!!(as you did TCAll Zelda (wii) series better than MGS4
Wii sports better than any sport game on 360-PS3
Mario Kart better than GT5-BuRNout-MotorStorm2
and ill go shoot myself,really :P
dout any real gamers will say that, i'm personaly not that much of a fanboy,ps3 might interest me in future, theres just not enough games to warrent my buy, but i'm not so blind to see that ps3 has its own merits. those who truely beleive above statements deserve to be left in the dark, that we can agree on.
Then again you saying Tekken is excellent series but its just more of the same,when Mario games its the same 3 generations now!!!!!(Kart-Party-SSB-SupermarioBros-etcetc) So in the end youll say me that Wii got the best games on every genre there are because of the mario series!! :D Think about it a sec plz!! You want an example? Ill say one.
most of those mario games you listed are spin offs, a few of witch have sucked since the 3rd entry like mario party...but the main seris has almost always been GOTY calibur *lets not discuss SuMSunshine shail we*
I like more Ratchet over SMG. Yeah,i really am. Maybe im sony-fan and i see it that way,dunno. But im a gamer too. I can easily see that SMG is better platform than ratchet in many ways,even if i prefer playing ratchet.And im not talking about scores here. (because overall Ratchet got 8.9 via 79 reviews including GSs 7.5).But the game itself.
yeah rachet has its merits to, its one of the few games i would want a ps3 for...again not saying either game is bad, just different, R&CF and SMG offer compleatly different expereances, just the same run,jump,attack idea.
So,TC fighting genre isnt only about unlockables,breaking stages etc. Its something far more than that.Maybe i see it like this because im active Arcade gamer since SF2 (1991),and i see fighting genre something more than "gaming" to have fun.
who said it was? i recall saying tekken having more unlockable charecters as part of its merits
now to your claims about SSBM
1)34 well-known characters from random games...your point?!!
my point is there memorable and nogilistic, another thing about tekkens expereance is the compleatly new charecters...back when the first one came...
2)Epic,ehmm story..ok!! Youll buy the game for its story or because its a fantastic fighting genre game?Fighting genre speaks thru its gameplay and realism,not story. If i want story i would play MGS4 or FF13!!
i'll buy it for both thanks :P
3)Online?? Its that something new to Wii? I think internet is a standard to PS3-X360 nowdays.Its that an extra VS tekken6? Dont get you...
we can agree that nintendo needs to get its ass on a better online ya its standered on the other consoles but its a draw for a wii game
4)Best multiplayer.There you got a point. I know SSBM could be extremely fun with 4 players playing at the same time.Actually you got a point here.But then again,does that make it better fighting game?
we agree again, and it makes it better IMO, 1 on 1 has been done since street fighter 1, 4 way is different. 1 on 1 needs some major innovation if its gona stick around.
5)If SSBM is unique,so its tekken VS ssbm.!!
um...i don't understand...tekken has some differences but its the same general idea as evey other 1 on 1 fighter on the market....tell me if this isen't what u ment.
Now about tekken 6 plz add --- Realism - MOTION-CAPTURE - Many of the moves of the game are taken of real martial arts (youtube some capoeira-taekwodo and youll see) - Gameplay Depth - Many characters-custumization - Big tours around the world with $$ prizes - Arcade hit (wheres SSBM?) - Too much time to spend on single player to REALLY master him - Breakthrough/hardcore competition via net!!. What more you need of a fighting genre title? (i didnt mention graphics)
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