What happens when you launch a halo sized casual missle (SSBB) on the market in combination with an incredibly powerful non-gaming warhead (WiiFit)?
Nuculear devestation on the market... the same kind of devestation that crippled the PSP when Nintendogs and NSMB were released for the DS.
Not only will WiiFit bring in the non-gamers in droves... but SSBB will bring millions of core gamers to the Wii... the kind of gamers that buy lots of games.
The Wii is anhilating the competion as it is... but this will be the nuke that ends the war.
This is an interesting post and I am in the process of reading all the replies. I'll say this to you before I read even further.
We can't assume that Wii Fit will necessarily be as huge in the US market, as it is in Japan, especially with the supply constraints at first.
However, Brawl is, and has been by far the most heavily advertised and anticipated on the Wii by far.
It should outsell SMG, unless the reviewers absolutly tear it apart, in which case it will still sell very well regaurdless.
It, along with a soon to be released Wii Fit could create the "perfect storm" of sales for the systems hardware, thus once again, causing Nintendo to lose out on huge amounts of sales due to the supply constrainment of the Wii.
It most likely won't outsell Halo 3 at launch, but will have the legs to catch up before 2009, most likely, and will be on the American and Others top 10 for the rest of the year.
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