I was planing to buy SFIV but I think it doesnt worth the money... due the fact that its a remake of SSF2...
should I buy the VC version instead?? 10$>60$
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Hardly a remake at all, and if you are going to buy any SF version, get the HD Remix version of SF II. It's got online mode, better balanced, and HD graphics over the VC system. However SF IV is not a remake of SF II either. New characters, online mode (only HD Remix has online), and more balance/tweak fixes to the game that you'll realize it's not SF II. Unless you just play casually, then it may feel like SF II to you. yoshi_64this.
Get SF2 Remix SF4 is garbageeverquestlove:|
Are you kidding? SFIV is the best fighter in the last decade.
:|[QUOTE="everquestlove"]Get SF2 Remix SF4 is garbageAljosa23
Are you kidding? SFIV is the best fighter in the last decade.
Yeah, for fools who skipped SF3 Third Strike Just get SF2 Remix:|[QUOTE="everquestlove"]Get SF2 Remix SF4 is garbageAljosa23
Are you kidding? SFIV is the best fighter in the last decade.
Best Fighter in the last decade? :lol:[QUOTE="Aljosa23"]:|[QUOTE="everquestlove"]Get SF2 Remix SF4 is garbageeverquestlove
Are you kidding? SFIV is the best fighter in the last decade.
Yeah, for fools who skipped SF3 Third Strike Just get SF2 RemixThird Strike came out last decade. In 1999. ;):|[QUOTE="everquestlove"]Get SF2 Remix SF4 is garbageAljosa23
Are you kidding? SFIV is the best fighter in the last decade.
I prefer DOA 4 to be frank. :P Faster, action packed, multi-tiered levels, and awesome combo system... :D Yes... I love me some DOA... :| :P:|[QUOTE="Aljosa23"]
[QUOTE="everquestlove"]Get SF2 Remix SF4 is garbagehansolo14
Are you kidding? SFIV is the best fighter in the last decade.
Wait wait!Are you kidding? Smash is the best fighter in the last decade
Smash Bros. is not a fighter. It's a party game with Nintendo characters.[QUOTE="Aljosa23"]:|[QUOTE="everquestlove"]Get SF2 Remix SF4 is garbageeverquestlove
Are you kidding? SFIV is the best fighter in the last decade.
Yeah, for fools who skipped SF3 Third Strike Just get SF2 RemixI'm getting SF2 Remix, I think that SFIV is better overall but that art style..
[QUOTE="Aljosa23"]:|[QUOTE="everquestlove"]Get SF2 Remix SF4 is garbageSynthetic_NinJI
Are you kidding? SFIV is the best fighter in the last decade.
Best Fighter in the last decade? :lol:Can you point out the funny?Wait wait![QUOTE="hansolo14"]
Are you kidding? SFIV is the best fighter in the last decade.
Are you kidding? Smash is the best fighter in the last decade
Smash Bros. is not a fighter. It's a party game with Nintendo characters. It is a fighting game, just not the one you are used to. But then again with a statement like "SF4 is the best fighter in the last decade" I wouldn't expect you to know much.Best Fighter in the last decade? :lol:Can you point out the funny? Your lack of knowledge about fighting games.[QUOTE="Synthetic_NinJI"][QUOTE="Aljosa23"]:|
Are you kidding? SFIV is the best fighter in the last decade.
Wait wait![QUOTE="hansolo14"]
Are you kidding? SFIV is the best fighter in the last decade.
Are you kidding? Smash is the best fighter in the last decade
Smash Bros. is not a fighter. It's a party game with Nintendo characters.so when I hit someone with a Falcon punch i'm not fighting... lolplease dont bring your fanboyism here
I appreciate both smash and SF series, but you cant compare SFIV and Smash
[QUOTE="Aljosa23"]Can you point out the funny? Your lack of knowledge about fighting games.My lack of knowledge? I played most if not all of the major Fighting games. :|[QUOTE="Synthetic_NinJI"] Best Fighter in the last decade? :lol:Synthetic_NinJI
I played Guilty Gear, KoF 2002, 2003, XI, Arcana Heart, and more that I don't wan't to list.
That is my opinion, if you are going to try and argue it you're wasting your time.
Its quite funny due to the fact that the Super STreet fighter version has literally MORE game modes with one of the most comprehensive tournament modes I have seen.. Street Fighter 4 is a good game, but Capcom seriously pisses me off.. The majority of all Street Fighters had a vs's and a arcade mode.. MvC2 was infuriating for having such lacking modes as well.. They seriously need to take some notes from games like Super Smash Brothers Brawl which literally is exploding with tons of game modes, customization and options. The Championship DLC was the biggest freaking insult of all.. Here I was thinking they would release a huge tournament mode, lobbies that can hold more than two players etc etc.. Instead we get a new mode to which RANKED MATCHES SHOULD HAVE BEEN to begin with.
SF4 is a spamfest, they took out the parrying from Third Strike, so you can spam hydukens without any stradegy. SF2 didn't have parrying either, but the art is better, + you won't get completley raped if you block a hydukeneverquestloveXD @ how you spelled hadouken btw. You can spam in any street fighter. Your fault if you can't beat a spammer though dude. Not the game's :| let me guess, you also lose to flowchart kens then label the game cheap :lol:
projectiles in SF before third strike were used for ZONING
Smash Bros. is not a fighter. It's a party game with Nintendo characters.so when Ihit someone with a Falcon punchi'mnot fighting... lol[QUOTE="Aljosa23"]
[QUOTE="hansolo14"] Wait wait!
Are you kidding? Smash is the best fighter in the last decade
please dont bring your fanboyism here
I appreciate both smash and SF series, but you cant compare SFIV and Smash
Fanboyism? What the heck does fanboyism have to do with me thinking Smash Bros. not being a fighter? :|[QUOTE="hansolo14"]
[QUOTE="Aljosa23"]Smash Bros. is not a fighter. It's a party game with Nintendo characters.
so when Ihit someone with a Falcon punchi'mnot fighting... lolplease dont bring your fanboyism here
I appreciate both smash and SF series, but you cant compare SFIV and Smash
Fanboyism? What the heck does fanboyism have to do with me thinking Smash Bros. not being a fighter? :| Because it is? Every official reviewer I have seen classifies it as a fighter.. IT still holds the same goals and strategies to match the fighter.. It is fanboyism to suggest otherwise, that you must have the same derivitive formula to classify it as such.. Now is it better than other games? Thats up to personal preference.Your lack of knowledge about fighting games.My lack of knowledge? I played most if not all of the major Fighting games. :|[QUOTE="Synthetic_NinJI"][QUOTE="Aljosa23"]Can you point out the funny?
I played Guilty Gear, KoF 2002, 2003, XI, Arcana Heart, and more that I don't wan't to list.
That is my opinion, if you are going to try and argue it you're wasting your time.
To be honest with you, I don't believe you've spent enough or any time at all on any of those games to make an credible statement about any fighting game So I refute, Your lack of knowledge about is laughable.so when Ihit someone with a Falcon punchi'mnot fighting... lol[QUOTE="hansolo14"]
[QUOTE="Aljosa23"]Smash Bros. is not a fighter. It's a party game with Nintendo characters.
please dont bring your fanboyism here
I appreciate both smash and SF series, but you cant compare SFIV and Smash
Fanboyism? What the heck does fanboyism have to do with me thinking Smash Bros. not being a fighter? :| calling it a party game :roll:To be honest with you, I don't believe you've spent enough or any time at all on any of those games to make an credible statement about any fighting game So I refute, Your lack of knowledge about is laughable.Synthetic_NinJI
Amazing argument you have there. On what basis is my crediblity laughable? And the funny thing is you still haven't named a game which is better than SFIV. :lol:
[QUOTE="Sonick54"][QUOTE="Synthetic_NinJI"] After 8 years it failed to live up to the expectations of SF 3.Synthetic_NinJIby who's standards? Yours? :? Obviously to anybody that has played SF 3. Alot of people would disagree with that statement.. I honestly thought the parry system imo is worse than the focus system.. But thats just me.. My main gripes from the game is the sheer lack of options or game modes.
[QUOTE="Aljosa23"]My lack of knowledge? I played most if not all of the major Fighting games. :|[QUOTE="Synthetic_NinJI"] Your lack of knowledge about fighting games.Synthetic_NinJI
I played Guilty Gear, KoF 2002, 2003, XI, Arcana Heart, and more that I don't wan't to list.
That is my opinion, if you are going to try and argue it you're wasting your time.
To be honest with you, I don't believe you've spent enough or any time at all on any of those games to make an credible statement about any fighting game So I refute, Your lack of knowledge about is laughable.Now this is just showing your arrogance.
[QUOTE="Synthetic_NinJI"] To be honest with you, I don't believe you've spent enough or any time at all on any of those games to make an credible statement about any fighting game So I refute, Your lack of knowledge about is laughable.Aljosa23
Amazing argument you have there. On what basis is my crediblity laughable? And the funny thing is you still haven't named a game which is better than SFIV. :lol:
easy SF2 HD remixSF4 is a spamfest, they took out the parrying from Third Strike, so you can spam hydukens without any stradegy. SF2 didn't have parrying either, but the art is better, + you won't get completley raped if you block a hydukeneverquestlove
I"m sorry I'm just allergic to pure BS.
Psst... here's a tipFocus cancel the fireballs and build up an ultra or zone inside the fireballs and punish your oppenent. don't sit back there blocking giving them chip damage and more incentive to keep throwing!
And Daigo, Alex Valle, Gilley, Justin Wong on SFIV says hello to your "SFIV is garbage" craziness.
easy SF2 HD remixhansolo14Oh please, you're here asking which game to buy, I don't think you have even played them. :roll:
[QUOTE="Aljosa23"][QUOTE="Synthetic_NinJI"] To be honest with you, I don't believe you've spent enough or any time at all on any of those games to make an credible statement about any fighting game So I refute, Your lack of knowledge about is laughable.hansolo14
Amazing argument you have there. On what basis is my crediblity laughable? And the funny thing is you still haven't named a game which is better than SFIV. :lol:
easy SF2 HD remixHmm I've played the hell out of SFIIHDRX but um SFIV is much better to be quite honest. You can trust my knowledge in fighting games.
[QUOTE="everquestlove"]SF4 is a spamfest, they took out the parrying from Third Strike, so you can spam hydukens without any stradegy. SF2 didn't have parrying either, but the art is better, + you won't get completley raped if you block a hydukenA_zombie
I"m sorry I'm just allergic to pure BS.
Psst... here's a tipFocus cancel the fireballs and build up an ultra or zone inside the fireballs and punish your oppenent. don't sit back there blocking giving them chip damage and more incentive to keep throwing!
And Daigo, Alex Valle, Gilley, Justin Wong on SFIV says hello to your "SFIV is garbage" craziness.
I love ya man :)
Amazing argument you have there. On what basis is my crediblity laughable? And the funny thing is you still haven't named a game which is better than SFIV. :lol:
easy SF2 HD remixHmm I've played the hell out of SFIIHDRX but um SFIV is much better to be quite honest. You can trust my knowledge in fighting games.
Its a opinion plain and simple.. Some will enjoy one over the other.. There is no right answer in this..Its a opinion plain and simple.. Some will enjoy one over the other.. There is no right answer in this..sSubZerOoTell that to the people who are throwing their opinion as fact and coming up with shallow responses like "buh buh your credibility is laughable!1!!1!! :cry:"
[QUOTE="A_zombie"][QUOTE="hansolo14"] easy SF2 HD remixsSubZerOo
Hmm I've played the hell out of SFIIHDRX but um SFIV is much better to be quite honest. You can trust my knowledge in fighting games.
Its a opinion plain and simple.. Some will enjoy one over the other.. There is no right answer in this..True which in better terms... "to each their own."
Oh please, you're here asking which game to buy, I don't think you have even played them. :roll: jajaja everybody had play SF2, and as I said I've played SFIV a little[QUOTE="hansolo14"] easy SF2 HD remixAljosa23
I was asking if it worth the money cause I see the game as a port with different art style
I have not played the HD remix, but since it doesnt have"hulk ryu", I'm buying it thast all
[QUOTE="Synthetic_NinJI"] To be honest with you, I don't believe you've spent enough or any time at all on any of those games to make an credible statement about any fighting game So I refute, Your lack of knowledge about is laughable.Aljosa23
Amazing argument you have there. On what basis is my crediblity laughable? And the funny thing is you still haven't named a game which is better than SFIV. :lol:
Darn Labtops.For some odd reason everytime I press backspace it would bring the entire back instead of deleting a simple letter.
But I'm determined to make this post :)
It is obvious that this doesn't require an argument.
Your credibility comes into question when you believe that one fighting game is "better" than the other.
1) You believe that one fighting game is "better" or more superior than the other.
It common knowledge that a fighting can't be better than the other, only different.
You have said that you have "played" KOF, Guilty Gear, and several others but still make a immature statement that Street Fighter 4 is "teh best" and better than all.
My analysis will say that you either haven't played or spent a significant enough time on any of these games to make a valid enough statement.
2) You believe that Super Smash Bros is not a fighting game.
Again, more proof that your knowledge on the matter is limited. Super Smash Bros is a fighting game, a different kind of fighting game, but a fighting game none the less.
This game has national and international tournaments, and such cases as EVO2K is featured with other fighting games.
This common knowledge, but obviously not for you. Thus, I refute. You knowledge on the matter is limited and I find your statement rather laughable.
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