it's capcom. of course they want you to buy the same game again. for some it'll be the third time. and then there's their tasteless strategy on dlc, what they did to resident evil with number 5 and what they're going to do to devil may cry... man capcom sure does suck now.
platinum games is the new capcom 8)
Its an OPTIONAL DLC. What is so bad releasing new characters and rebalancing the game a YEAR after SSF4 came out?they could use a patch instead of charging you full price or near full price again. but they don't. know why?
and it's *optional dlc* that they know you want, and they know that it should come with the game or be free dlc. but they know people will buy, so this is what they do.
EDIT: for a revamp such as this or SSF4, a $5 dlc pack wouldv'e been acceptable for people who already had the game.
Capcom deserves to be paid for their hardwork. They get feedback from players regarding characters and they improve upon them. Then they make fully new 3D-modeled characters with great detail. All for free? Ya, then how about working for 3 hours under the sun with no breaks and charge? See how that feels?
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