which is a really minor portion of the market, if thats his aim then consoles arent holding him back and he's just spouting silly nonsense to jump on the little bandwagon.
Your statement doesn't make any sense.It is a minot portion of the market, but it's more than enough to support big budgeted game like this. At least that's what Chris believes and he intends to prove it.
And most big budgeted games these days are multiplat, so consoles do end up holding devs back. So I don't see where did you find the nonsense part.
He wants to make it PC only because he doesn't want to be held back by consoles. If he went for multiplat route his vision would end up severly compromised.
his game in the end wouldnt do well on consoles, it doesnt really appeal to that target demographic so it would have been an uneccesary budget expense for them at the same time.
Console developers only really hold themselves back in their mentality of not really pushing, Forza horizon pushed the 360 pretty far its a looker and its got some nifty little quirks in it.
In a lot of cases in my book the genre's and the market trends themselves are more what hold back gaming sure budget plays a role but i feel devlopers realy should try more nearly in every media industry nowadays the same arguement of budgets and trends are holding back artists and studios from really trying.
If people as a whole were more open (inb4 PC gamers are more open minded is a silly statement sicne they feed from the same troughs as console gamers most of the time) we might see more people trying new things within the limits we already have at the same time we're hitting a point of stagnation where we cant really come up with new things in certain genre's and only improve and has been a recurring trend the past decade.
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