not surprising.
starfox needs to be completely overhauled. a full priced rail shooter is taking the whizz and people see what space games can be.
starfox needs to be a space sim, not a rail shooter. it needs to take cues from the likes of crimson skies and freespace. for a company that has no issues trying different things with its IP starfox has seen absolutely minimal improvement in a genre that just doesnt hold up well at full price today.
starfox can be better...a lot better. but nintendo need to redefine what starfox is.
No, just no. What you're asking Star Fox to be is like asking Smash Bros. to be a traditional fighter (Street Fighter/Mortal Kombat/Tekken/Soul Calibur/Dead or Alive/King of Fighters/Dragon Ball Z/Naruto/you name it) just to appeal to that crowd. It needs to stay in it's arcade roots, or people wouldn't recognize it being Star Fox. If it MUST leave the rail-shooting, take notes from the likes of Rogue Squadron (because Star Fox's All-Range mode actually doesn't stray far from those games), not freaking Freespace.
how about railshooting mixed with some other gameplay elements, like on foot missions, third person shooting, third person combat, exploration, platforming, maybe even some rpg elements fox adventures was heading in the right direction, it was ahead of its time for this franchise
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