Star Ocean 4 is very enjoyable but they really have to start thinking about updating certain design crutches a lot of Japanese developers seem to fall back on. The battle system is terrific but there are way too many things in the game that need to be dropped from JRPG design.
1. Glowing sphere save points. the 360 and PS3 both have HD storage, USE IT. or at least have the option of choosing.
2. bad camera. Do these guys actually play these games? Look at a game that does camera properly and copy it. Done. There really is no excuse.
3. Character design. Blue hair, green hair, purple hair, orange hair.....give me a damn break.
4. Voice acting. facepalm.
If you are looking for a great JRPG, get Persona 4. And if you aren't sure about it, Jeff and Vinny at GB are doing a HILARIOUS endurance run on the game. After watching that I just had to play it.
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