[QUOTE="Adrian_Cloud"][QUOTE="lawlessx"][QUOTE="haris12121212"][QUOTE="lawlessx"][QUOTE="Adrian_Cloud"][QUOTE="LibertySaint"][QUOTE="flashattackfina"][QUOTE="kankthetank"][QUOTE="SolidTy"][QUOTE="bigboss5ak"] http://www.rpgfan.com/news/2007/1400.html
Your news is a bit biased. After clicking on the link, we see that it is coming out for both platforms. That isn't really a big surprise, but your thread titles suggests, maybe because it's SW, otherwise.
Umm, I'm not sure what you're saying exactly. We already knew Star Ocean 4 will be heading to the PS3. In fact, not too long ago it was announced PS3 exclusive. The TC is merely stating that it's now also on 360. There's no bias involved :?
No it was RUMORED to be PS3 Exclusiveand obviously rumored by ps fans like always....its like mgs 4 to 360, lems actually don't keep bragging and wanting, cows just keep saying and bringing it up.
why can't ppl just be happy with what they got and stop bull **** and argue about real points now a days?
Its still exclusive, just check the "Jump Festa" line-up for Square- Enix. But if its not i guess we'll have to find out then before jumping to conclusions. :|
isnt tri-Ace developing the game?
Yes but Square publishes it, so Square gets the last word.
oh...so then why did he mention SE's lineup as if it was written in stone?
Because it is written in stone, just check for yourself. Jump Festa is a yearly event, and square always shows off great quality titles Kingdom Hearts, FF,Star Ocean,Front Mission etc. They've already made there line-up of the games they will be showing, but the games they do not show in trailers or playable form usually have more info revealed so just wait till Jump Festa only a couple days away.
im talking about star ocean being only for the ps3 being written in stone. i just dot see how you can say the game is still an ps3 excusive after reading this article and then say look at SE's lineup as if they cant change it to star ocean(ps3/360) reminds me of the time cows said assassin's creed wasnt going to be on the 360 because the official website only had the ps3 logo.
Well.. thats the thing we can only base what we know on what the developers officially say. People thought that GT4 would have online because the devs said it would, but we all know how that turned out. Its not anyones fault if they beleive what there told from an official source. Tri-Ace had 2 teams each focused on a different console one doing Infinite Undiscover and the other star ocean 4.
There are rumours that Square is making a new exclusive for PS3, and a Front Mission for 360. Both are speculative, considering they would have to find a new team to make the PS3 exclusive familiar with it, and Front Mission series sells best in Japan, that would be like putting Tales rpgs on 360, when most of the sales are from japan.
Infinite Undiscovery is furthest in development and is a great looking game, while Star Ocean4 is still in early developments stages, this was said at TGS. Things may have changed, so why not wait just a couple days to find out for sure.
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