I remember the huge ordeal two years back;
The lootbox controversy that went viral and made the game tank harder than any before.
The developers were somehow able to convince EA that despite lack of expected funds that their DLC roadmap had to continue. Unless you really want skins and emotes, buy the normal edition, all the DLC are included in the normal edition anyways.
Multiple major updates, extra maps, extra campaign missions, extra game modes and ton of extra characters later this is now the Battlefront 2 game that should have launched 2 years ago. Last week I launched the game again after not having played it a good year, and now find it to be one of the most entertaining arcade style multiplayer shooters of this generation. The fun is to be had even if you are losing, the battle points system allows you to quickly select a hero or a loadout that makes you feel like you can wreck mayhem in style. It truly feels like you are in a warzone. Capital Supremacy is not as linear and puts you in open maps that allow for more strategic movements against enemies, like conquest worked for Battlefield. The CO-OP mode is competitive and allows you to be a JEDI against a hoard of enemies. In fact, look at abundant amount of other available modes here:
Check it out boss, this game deserves another review.
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