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Nice to see Darth Maul is in the game, he's my favorite Sith ever since Episode 1 appeared. I don't even care what the haters say about the first game, but I really had like the first Battlefront when I played it on PC and I'm gonna buy Battlefront 2 day one. Why, because it's Star Wars, Muthafuckas.
That Sony bundle deal is going to be a real kick in the nuts when the Scorpio version runs better on every front.
Man this year is going to be awesome.
You must be joking. The PC version will leave that Scorpio in the dust. Battlefront already looks awesome on PC and Battlefront 2 will be amazing on PC then Scorpio.
I'll get this when it hits EA Access with a big discount and then free like the first. I haven't even gave the first one real play time. I'm interested in the campaign though. Looking forward getting the definitive Scorpio version on top of the EA Access advantage.
You must be joking. The PC version will leave that Scorpio in the dust. Battlefront already looks awesome on PC and Battlefront 2 will be amazing on PC then Scorpio"
LOL like lems said since beginning of gen when cows paraded PS4 being stronger. Gotta love SW
I wonder if there will be single-player.
Yes, single player has been confirm. EA learn that single player is still on demanding from Titanfall 2.
That would depend if it will be actually be good even if Dice aren't the ones making it.
Day 1. Hopefully the Scorpio is out by the time this launches and I can get it early on EA Access. It looks like Sony has the marketing rights, but this game in 4K on PC and console is the way to go.
You must be joking. The PC version will leave that Scorpio in the dust. Battlefront already looks awesome on PC and Battlefront 2 will be amazing on PC then Scorpio"
LOL like lems said since beginning of gen when cows paraded PS4 being stronger. Gotta love SW
Thank God I didn't follow this whole power hungry console PS4 nonsense. It's all about the games baby!
oh great, they're encompassing the entire saga, because playing as the Gungan is something I can't go without... not
seriously, I hope we don't have a Jar-Jar hero
and I really don't want to see anybody from the original trilogy, no Queen Amidala, no Qui-Gon Jin, and f*ck no to Hayden Christensen anything (or young Anakin Skywalker for that matter)
really though I hope the substance is in the various online modes, I loved Battlefront's Fighter Squadron mode, but let's hope they design much better offensive/defensive modes for ground wars, they really needed to make this more like a Battlefield game in that regard, plus they need player classes like a Battlefield game too, with squads to spawn on and such
might not be a bad thing to think about adding AI fodder to the game too, like Titanfall has done for two games, really works well and keeps the battlefield alive, active, hectic, but not in that chaotic and punishing way, give it a quasi-MOBA quality
anyhow, I liked the last Battlefront game despite it's flaws, will probably get this too
So...what kind of single player content will be in the game? That's what would make me buy the game in a heartbeat, I'd love to see another mode like Galactic Conquest.
oh great, they're encompassing the entire saga, because playing as the Gungan is something I can't go without... not
seriously, I hope we don't have a Jar-Jar hero
and I really don't want to see anybody from the original trilogy, no Queen Amidala, no Qui-Gon Jin, and f*ck no to Hayden Christensen anything (or young Anakin Skywalker for that matter)
really though I hope the substance is in the various online modes, I loved Battlefront's Fighter Squadron mode, but let's hope they design much better offensive/defensive modes for ground wars, they really needed to make this more like a Battlefield game in that regard, plus they need player classes like a Battlefield game too, with squads to spawn on and such
might not be a bad thing to think about adding AI fodder to the game too, like Titanfall has done for two games, really works well and keeps the battlefield alive, active, hectic, but not in that chaotic and punishing way, give it a quasi-MOBA quality
anyhow, I liked the last Battlefront game despite it's flaws, will probably get this too
I am so happy EA didnt listen to your people the Prequels were great and had great content. give us that and obvious evolutions of the first and bots and we have a winner.
I wonder if there will be single-player.
Yes, single player has been confirm. EA learn that single player is still on demanding from Titanfall 2.
Only wished Respawn would make the singleplayer instead of DICE :(
Battlefield 1s campaign was god awful.
I'd get it if they actually just made the MP like Battlefield with team oriented gameplay like medics, support, mechanics and multi driver vehicles and what not. If it's the same as Battlefront 1, I'll just skip it. The MP was just a garbage arcade shooter with no real depth behind it. And, those power ups didn't help at all. The fact that they gave the Empire tons of vehicles and the Rebels none didn't help balance issues, either. At least it looks like they are finally giving Rebels animals and stuff. I don't know why they didn't give them animals in MP with mounted lasers on their backs or something to battle with the AT-ST/AT.
@worknow222: The prequels have great content bwahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
how did they Not? I know thats asking to much from someone who replys with Bwahaha. But hey Dogs have to learn to sit some day.
Yay, a shoehorned in campaign on top of a bare bones multiplayer mode that lacks any content and depth. can't wait
It's good that they have brought back Prequel Era. But Dice needs to do more than that to win back our trust.
1.they should bring back command posts
2.they need to fix that awful vehicle Powerups and add the ability to enter/exit vehicles.
3.they should also bring back the Class system from original Battlefront 2.
It's good that they have brought back Prequel Era. But Dice needs to do more than that to win back our trust.
1.they should bring back command posts
2.they need to fix that awful vehicle Powerups and add the ability to enter/exit vehicles.
3.they should also bring back the Class system from original Battlefront 2.
And they can't launch this light on content with a 50 dollar season pass again...
The campaign in this game could be good, but I'm way more interested in Visceral's singleplayer Star Wars game.
Honestly, I'd just love another singleplayer Star Wars game like Republic Commando.
Have a question: Does DICE make any Good Single Player Modes ?
Pandemic's Battlefront 2 had a Great one because it was nonlinear.(you could achieve you objectives in Different ways/Different classes which would change your play style.)it also had a coop mode and some exclusive enemies that only appear in the story mode.
Honestly, I'd just love another singleplayer Star Wars game like Republic Commando.
Yeah. Republic Commando deserves a Sequel.
I will have to see how the gameplay pads out and see if they add more content than was presented in Star Wars: Battlefront. The gameplay of that game did look fun though.
Honestly pre-order bonuses before raw gameplay? :/
Hopefully there will be a bit more of a skill gap in the multiplayer and not so casual.
Also more than 4 maps at launch and more weapons.
DICE isn't doing the single player campaign. From what I have heard, Motive Studios (Jade Raymond team) is.
Could be a plus. Both could focus on getting their own section done properly.
I will have to see more because the first one was only okay.
If it pans out it will look slick on my PS4 Pro.
@worknow222: How did they, coming from someone with such a horrible opinion I dont expect much of an answer. Prequels, lol, oh god that's rich.
Still not answering my question. but sure theirs a lot good with the prequels, Sure jar jar was way too childish but Ewoks were the same. Anakin was a bad ass especially in three his scene loosing his mother was damn powerful and really showed who he was becoming. And in three Anakin loosing everything just wanting a life with the one he loves being manipulated by everyone Bloody hell. I wish they could do a one off and have it they he kills sidious and everything's back to normal.
Mace windu was also amazing, yoda fighting Sidious/Dooku, battledroids .
The arena battle in two then full scale war with the jedi and clones. The clone wars. The bigger view of jedi. the fall of the Jedi. How it was there fault. How there isn't much difference to them and the sith if viewed by a different perspective. Mustafar. Sidious winning with not a weapon but politics. Interesting themes. great alien life and planets. Sure they weren't the original trilogy but they were a lot better than episode 7 I mean that episode 4 remake.
I can Understand the too much CGI effects but re watching all three prequels yesterday and I noticed a lot more practical effects than I did at an earlier age. But I get the prequels hell I grew up with them sure, but I also grew up with the original trilogy first then the prequels and I get it Each film is a part of Anakins life 1 his childhood 2 his teens/Early Adult life 3 being his turn to a full adult no longer a child. and His Final transformation into Vader
I could Go on but I am sure you'll say something disagreeing with this all so no need to waste more time.
That Sony bundle deal is going to be a real kick in the nuts when the Scorpio version runs better on every front.
Man this year is going to be awesome.
You must be joking. The PC version will leave that Scorpio in the dust. Battlefront already looks awesome on PC and Battlefront 2 will be amazing on PC then Scorpio.
To be fair, Battlefront looks amazing on everything, even the base Xbox One. Gotta give credit to DICE on that one, they did an incredible job on all platforms, graphics wise.
I remember DICE saying they had to cut the single play campaign from Battlefront because of the time constraints. One can imagine they just continued with that campaign, so a lot of the preliminary work for the campaign was already done before Battlefront 2's development started. Also, to those who followed, Battlefront did shape up with a lot of art assets that weren't in for launch finally making it to launch. It almost felt that their team never really stopped developing full time on the general Battlefront project.
The games will all use the same library of art and audio for the Original Trilogy. They can probably reuse animations too. Only thing they would have to do is take the art assets and put them back through the LoDing process for their new game as their target fidelity probably increased slightly. They laser scanned in all of the original props for the OT and went on-location to where they shot a lot of the OT to grab a lot of reference photos for textures too. They probably have an ever increasing library of high fidelity assets they can just pull from.
What this all means is that a large chunk of the work done on Battlefront will just carry on forward throughout the series. No need to reinvent the wheel. So each game after Battlefront can simply expand on those libraries. The Star Wars universe doesn't change and if you build your original art, audio, and animation assets to a high enough fidelity before getting them into the game engine, there should never be a reason to redo those things. Each game can just keep adding to that library.
I once read something where DICE estimates the amount of content in Battlefront 2 to be 5x to 6x more. Given this little teaser, I say that's probably accurate.
My biggest concern is actually gameplay. I was always confident that Battlefront 2 would greatly expand on the content, but I'm concerned that they won't address the gameplay concerns of Battlefront. I get the series is supposed to be a bit more on the arcadey and fast paced side, but the Star Cards and limited teamwork turned each match into a cluster of powerups and explosive spam. It just doesn't feel like Star Wars in its current state. Subsequent DLC basically ruined the flow with a lot of really cheesy bullshit that added ontop of a lot of the cheesy bullshit that was already in the game.
It's ok for Battlefront 2 to be more like Battlefield Star Wars. That would be a step in the right direction for the series. The core gameplay can still be more arcade (no aim-down-sight required) have all heros, space battles, combined arms, and settings of Star Wars, but wrap it up in more traditional Battlefield style gameplay with classes, objectives, and map design. It worked for the original, it can work now.
They also worked a lot on implementing the bots within the core game modes for the first Battlefront. The next logical move would be to include bots along side of players in the multiplayer just like the original games. Increase the scope of the battles through flooding it with NPCs.
They need a game like force unleashed where you can throw stormtroopers around and mind control them that was a friggin amazing game
I remember DICE saying they had to cut the single play campaign from Battlefront because of the time constraints. One can imagine they just continued with that campaign, so a lot of the preliminary work for the campaign was already done before Battlefront 2's development started. Also, to those who followed, Battlefront did shape up with a lot of art assets that weren't in for launch finally making it to launch. It almost felt that their team never really stopped developing full time on the general Battlefront project.
The games will all use the same library of art and audio for the Original Trilogy. They can probably reuse animations too. Only thing they would have to do is take the art assets and put them back through the LoDing process for their new game as their target fidelity probably increased slightly. They laser scanned in all of the original props for the OT and went on-location to where they shot a lot of the OT to grab a lot of reference photos for textures too. They probably have an ever increasing library of high fidelity assets they can just pull from.
What this all means is that a large chunk of the work done on Battlefront will just carry on forward throughout the series. No need to reinvent the wheel. So each game after Battlefront can simply expand on those libraries. The Star Wars universe doesn't change and if you build your original art, audio, and animation assets to a high enough fidelity before getting them into the game engine, there should never be a reason to redo those things. Each game can just keep adding to that library.
I once read something where DICE estimates the amount of content in Battlefront 2 to be 5x to 6x more. Given this little teaser, I say that's probably accurate.
My biggest concern is actually gameplay. I was always confident that Battlefront 2 would greatly expand on the content, but I'm concerned that they won't address the gameplay concerns of Battlefront. I get the series is supposed to be a bit more on the arcadey and fast paced side, but the Star Cards and limited teamwork turned each match into a cluster of powerups and explosive spam. It just doesn't feel like Star Wars in its current state. Subsequent DLC basically ruined the flow with a lot of really cheesy bullshit that added ontop of a lot of the cheesy bullshit that was already in the game.
It's ok for Battlefront 2 to be more like Battlefield Star Wars. That would be a step in the right direction for the series. The core gameplay can still be more arcade (no aim-down-sight required) have all heros, space battles, combined arms, and settings of Star Wars, but wrap it up in more traditional Battlefield style gameplay with classes, objectives, and map design. It worked for the original, it can work now.
They also worked a lot on implementing the bots within the core game modes for the first Battlefront. The next logical move would be to include bots along side of players in the multiplayer just like the original games. Increase the scope of the battles through flooding it with NPCs.
How long did you spend typing this? Just out of curiosity.
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