@worknow222: How did they, coming from someone with such a horrible opinion I dont expect much of an answer. Prequels, lol, oh god that's rich.
Still not answering my question. but sure theirs a lot good with the prequels, Sure jar jar was way too childish but Ewoks were the same. Anakin was a bad ass especially in three his scene loosing his mother was damn powerful and really showed who he was becoming. And in three Anakin loosing everything just wanting a life with the one he loves being manipulated by everyone Bloody hell. I wish they could do a one off and have it they he kills sidious and everything's back to normal.
Mace windu was also amazing, yoda fighting Sidious/Dooku, battledroids .
The arena battle in two then full scale war with the jedi and clones. The clone wars. The bigger view of jedi. the fall of the Jedi. How it was there fault. How there isn't much difference to them and the sith if viewed by a different perspective. Mustafar. Sidious winning with not a weapon but politics. Interesting themes. great alien life and planets. Sure they weren't the original trilogy but they were a lot better than episode 7 I mean that episode 4 remake.
I can Understand the too much CGI effects but re watching all three prequels yesterday and I noticed a lot more practical effects than I did at an earlier age. But I get the prequels hell I grew up with them sure, but I also grew up with the original trilogy first then the prequels and I get it Each film is a part of Anakins life 1 his childhood 2 his teens/Early Adult life 3 being his turn to a full adult no longer a child. and His Final transformation into Vader
I could Go on but I am sure you'll say something disagreeing with this all so no need to waste more time.
You don't need to say anymore. This sums it up almost perfectly.
I would also add Qui-Gon to that list as well. It doesn't matter whether people agree with the actor or not, the character was fantastic and then there's Obi-Wan, simply sublime. The final fight was full of pure emotion and passion also. Easily the best fight in the whole saga.
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