I just...laughed one of my noodles up...but yeah no...Starcraft doesn't have anything better storywise then halo. Infact halo's universe when you take the books into account is much more flushed out...with starcrafts universe flushout because of fanfics lol.
Starcraft 1 and brood war had plenty of depth and twists in their respective plotlines. Story opens up with a political struggle and an alien invasion lurking on the horizon. And then details about all the main factions and players gets revealed progressively as part of the missions you play. Kerrigan disappears and a while later she pops out of an egg as the latest and one of the biggest threats to the other two races. And the planets actually had themes for environments and different uses. Oh right, remember to ignore the fact that starcraft came out years before halo.
What does halo have again? Oh, here's a city and right outside the walls are an endless, linear path of rocks and trees. Apparently this is what 'billions of people' live in when humanity has advanced in the future. Oh an alien invasion is coming, and a super soldier who talks in a monotone comes to save everyone, where he's using nothing but the same weapons that everyone else has anyways. I mean come on, bungie is reinforcing the idea that master chief is a 'badass' by relying on the hinge that he does nothing but fight. But what if you think the story in the games aren't good enough? Go read the books silly, thats what we've hired external writers for, to do the job that we couldn't do, because we're just game designers.
The halo series is a pathetic excuse of an action story.
Ya can't slag Master Chief as a character, he ain't supposed to be interesting, he supposed to be a blank slate for the player. He's a super soldier cos he faster, stronger, can leap miles, clad in armour and energy shields, can dual wield big guns, can pilot/drive every vehicle, rip turrets out and carry them as a hand weapon, beat giant aliens to death with a single smack, dive through space and survive, to name a few things a normal human can't do :P
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