PC retail games are 20€ cheaper than from steam at release date in my country
I don't like renting my games for few years untill steam shutdowns and my hard drive breaks
Dunno why ppl like steam so much
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steam sales. incredibly cheap games ;)PC retail games are 20€ cheaper than from steam at release date in my country
I don't like renting my games for few years untill steam shutdowns and my hard drive breaks
Dunno why ppl like steam so much
PC retail games are 20€ cheaper than from steam at release date in my country
I don't like renting my games for few years untill steam shutdowns and my hard drive breaks
Dunno why ppl like steam so much
PC retail games are 20€ cheaper than from steam at release date in my country
I don't like renting my games for few years untill steam shutdowns and my hard drive breaks
Dunno why ppl like steam so much
You do realize that you own those games... Right? I'm sure that consumer protection laws would stop you from simply losing all those games. Either that, or Valve would simply unlock games for complete use, if ever they went under.
[QUOTE="tempest91"] See, the problem is the facts of this conversation don't agree with you. Allow me to remind you of what you said: [QUOTE="tempest91"]So, if someone has 100+ DD games on their PC, you can't empathize with them not wanting to run 5-6 clients simultaneously when they could very easily have just run 1, and that one is currently the best client out there by nearly all given standards. Why is that so unbelievable?LongZhiZiYour first argument. Your issue is with numbers. After all, why should people have to run multiple clients instead of just one? An argument I'd be willing to entertain, but....
Not an outrage that EA is trying the same thing, but just that origin is terrible in comparison. We have experienced a better client running EA games, and now that is taken away and we are forced to use a second, and by many standards, less desirable one. Why is that not a negative?tempest91....your argument in your second post is related to the quality of Origin itself. This leads to the potential stance of, "I don't care how many clients are forced onto me so long as they meet certain standards," which is fine to take, but it would raise serious questions as to why you brought up the number of clients initially. But I'll tell you what- if you feel like I'm putting words in your mouth or misinterpreting your argument, why don't you state CLEARLY for us your exact opposition to Origin being forced to run. And to all the people who aren't quite in the loop, currently Origin is NOT required to be running when playing EA games downloaded through their service. This seems to be a planned thing when BF3 launches, and EA is undergoing a rapid process of improving the features of Origin (which is officially in beta, for a reason) in time for BF3.
Both arguments, and my entire argument relates to quality as clearly stated in my posts. The first says steam is the best by given standards, and the second says that origin is less desirable. You just misread what I said, and are reading into and trying to incorretly interpret what I'm saying. Spin that however you want to fit your "facts". Orirgin was a giant pain for the use in the alpha, and I have played many EA games via steam, and now to have to use a EA client/store to play a game instead of steam is annoying. What is so hard to get about that?Getting in to the potential of what my argument leads to is just purposely misreading and making assumptions based upon your own motivations.
[QUOTE="LongZhiZi"] It's arguments like this that never make sense to me. So desperately worried about running another app to play their games, but Steam? Well, it's totally fine and dandy that it FORCES itself to be launched with every game you play (and there's no way for it to shut itself off after playing). But those other companies doing the same thing? The bastards! You are either in support of allowing DDs to load up their client when you play their game or you're opposed to the idea, regardless of of who it is. I have no qualms about using a client to download/update/activate my games, but I'm reluctant to buy anything from Steam or that uses Steamworks since I know that means having Steam infecting my game. To just agree with the TC's point- yes, Steam fanboys are the worst. I get the idea of platform fanboyism, but store-fanboyism? Complaining about other stores doing the exact same thing your beloved store does? Yeah; I don't get it.Metalscarz
So, if someone has 100+ DD games on their PC, you can't empathize with them not wanting to run 5-6 clients simultaneously when they could very easily have just run 1, and that one is currently the best client out there by nearly all given standards. Why is that so unbelievable?
I have hundreds of PC games, installed all right now from many different sources including retail. No client starts on my PC at boot. ZERO. I launch my games from the desktop, and if a client is needed it starts then. Steam, GFWL, D2D (no client is needed after d/l and install!) all work like this. All this talk about too many clients is ****ing nonsense. I'm more opposed to putting in a DVD when I have hundreds of games that launch with a click (even if a small prgram launches with it :roll: )
Wan't a single place to keep track of and launch all your PC games? You already have it. It's called Windows.
And that's fine if you feel that way, does that mean that my preference has to fit yours? I would rather stem the trend of Publiser based clients and stores before we get to the point that EA, Ubisoft, Capcom, THQ, etc all have these because it's unnecessary. This is all about control or price, and control of the user. If you don't care about this, that's fine, but why can't someone else care about it?
[QUOTE="tempest91"] See, the problem is the facts of this conversation don't agree with you. Allow me to remind you of what you said: [QUOTE="tempest91"]So, if someone has 100+ DD games on their PC, you can't empathize with them not wanting to run 5-6 clients simultaneously when they could very easily have just run 1, and that one is currently the best client out there by nearly all given standards. Why is that so unbelievable?LongZhiZiYour first argument. Your issue is with numbers. After all, why should people have to run multiple clients instead of just one? An argument I'd be willing to entertain, but....
Not an outrage that EA is trying the same thing, but just that origin is terrible in comparison. We have experienced a better client running EA games, and now that is taken away and we are forced to use a second, and by many standards, less desirable one. Why is that not a negative?tempest91....your argument in your second post is related to the quality of Origin itself. This leads to the potential stance of, "I don't care how many clients are forced onto me so long as they meet certain standards," which is fine to take, but it would raise serious questions as to why you brought up the number of clients initially. But I'll tell you what- if you feel like I'm putting words in your mouth or misinterpreting your argument, why don't you state CLEARLY for us your exact opposition to Origin being forced to run. And to all the people who aren't quite in the loop, currently Origin is NOT required to be running when playing EA games downloaded through their service. This seems to be a planned thing when BF3 launches, and EA is undergoing a rapid process of improving the features of Origin (which is officially in beta, for a reason) in time for BF3.
He didn't bring it up initially, I did, and then you proceeded to misinterpret it.
It would make sense if gfwl had to run if I bought the game from gfwl. Why does it have to run in certain games I buy off steam? What happens when the same thing starts happening with "origin" games? What about "origin" games that have games for windows live for some reason, that I happen to buy off steam?
That means I need steam, games for windows live, and origin running in the background to play my bioshock 3 or whatever.
I don't care about whether a game uses steam or not. What I do care about is having to install another stupid game client on my computer. I already have games for windows live and steam, I don't need a third app in my system tray.
What if I buy an ea game through steam that runs on games for windows live but requires me to be logged into origin to play multiplayer or something?
I don't need to be cluster ****** by 3 different programs to play a game.
This is exactly the reason im not happy about using Origin for BF3. Im not really hyped much for BF3 anyway so i likely wont be buying it to begin with but if the game was on Steam or i could buy a retail copy that didnt require me to log onto yet ANOTHER game client in order to play it, then i may have ended up buying it at some point. However since BF3 is the only thing Origin has going for it right now and i already have 3 other game clients, its unlikely that i would buy BF3 anytime in the near future.
I would rather buy games on GoG than on Steam for DRM issues. I imagine people choose Steam rather than other services with more DRM restrictions for the same thing. DRM sucks.kuraimen
For once we can agree on something. EA is doing this for control over the price and the user and nothing else.
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